Acupuncture in Pregnancy


Medical: Gestation or pregnancy
Latin: gravitas - "the heaviness"
English: pregnancy

Also read:

  • Acupuncture and childbirth preparation


After the joy of the pregnancy The first questions appear:
How is the baby developing from month to month?
How do I eat properly?
How do I prepare for the birth?
Just know about the last question acupuncture Remedy, because Acupuncture in Pregnancy enjoys many problems like morning sickness, Back pain, a headache and especially with regard to that birth, great growth and popularity.


Meanwhile already about a third of womenwho are pregnant for the first time, on the action of the small needles (Acupuncture needles).


For 10 years the Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth Relief firmly established.

Around half of all gynecological clinics today use the Chinese healing method to give women this unique method "Birth experience" to facilitate.
In addition to the mentally balancing Acupuncture points above all those points are stimulated that cause the Birth pain and the entire duration of the Childbirth reduce.


Pregnancy symptoms like nausea, Vomit and Back pain often limit the pregnant woman considerably in everyday life and impair her in doing so Work or run. The cause of the complaints is once that Hormonal changeswhich causes the tissue in the body to loosen up in order to be as supple as possible for the birth. The consequences are Loosening of tendons, ligaments, joints and also Edema. At the same time, the mother-to-be has to bear more and the weight gain Musculature must make up for what the Spine can no longer manage due to the loosened supporting apparatus. Pain and Tension at the bottom Back and pelvic area are the consequence.
Acupuncture in Pregnancy can help with many of the diseases and ailments mentioned above.


So that mother and child can enjoy themselves during the pregnancy Feeling good all round is what the Traditional Chinese medicine the right thing for every situation. There they are chinese nutritionwho provide optimal care and support for mother and child both before and after the birth Chinese medicinesthat can be used when the pregnant woman too Nausea, tiredness or susceptibility to colds tends or the unborn child becomes too restless and of course acupuncture, which in every phase of pregnancy can alleviate the small discomforts caused by the major changes in the body of the expectant mother quickly and without side effects.

Side effects

Some women get during the Acupuncture in Pregnancy Problems with the Cycle. In addition to the purely physical causes, one reason for this can also be a general one "Fear of needles" be. It is therefore helpful to perform the treatment half-sitting, half-lying with the legs slightly raised. The circulatory reaction usually disappears with further treatment because the body adapts to the acupuncture used and the patient also knows better what to expect at the second session. After acupuncture, the dotted area slightly reddened be or it can be a small bruise form. Both are completely harmless and go away on their own.