Figure dry lips

Figure dry lips: symptom and causes

Dry lips

  1. Angular rhinitis
    (inflamed, torn
    Corners of the mouth) -
    Angular cheilitis
  2. Cold sore -
    Herpes labialis
    (due to the herpes simplex
    Virus (HSV) triggered
  3. Tear -
  4. Lip red -
    Labium, pars intermedia
  5. Lip skin -
    Labium, pars cutanea

    A - Too little daily
    Fluid intake
    B - Stressful situations
    (Sympathetic nervous system
    is activated)
    C - vitamin deficiency, especially at
    Vitamin B2 and iron deficiency
    D - Extreme temperatures
    (very cold or high temperatures)
    E - infections especially of
    Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
    F - common cold - cold weather deprives
    of the skin (epidermis) Humidity
    G - Frequent use of the
    Lip care products leads to
    Habituation effect
    H - As a side effect of a
    Chemotherapy (drug
    Treatment of cancer)

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