Losing weight during menopause


As menopause (also "Climacteric" called) describes the transition from the reproductive to the postmenopausal phase of women. The hormonal change takes several years and is associated with a multitude of changes in the female body. For some women, the changeover begins at the age of 40, for others it is only at the age of 50. About twelve months after the menopause, the last spontaneous menstruation, the menopause is over. The changes are mainly related to the decrease in the hormone estrogen. In addition to hot flashes, sweats and other complaints, many women also observe difficulties maintaining their weight or even gaining weight.

Why is it so hard to lose weight during menopause?

Weight gain during menopause is mainly explained by the increased age. Older women and men have a lower basal metabolic rate with increasing age, which is related to the percentage of muscle mass. Muscles generally consume significantly more energy than the same mass of fat. With the decrease in muscle mass in old age, the basal metabolic rate also decreases. If this is not increased through additional activity and if the lifestyle and diet remain the same, unwanted weight gain occurs. The body is now supplied with more energy than it needs. This energy is stored in the form of fat reserves and leads to an increase in body weight.

Even so, the waste of estrogen in the context of menopause an important influence on the female body. Adipose tissue is redistributed, causing the waist to disappear and the chest and abdomen to lose their firmness.

In addition, the menopausal symptoms can put a drastic physical and psychological stress on women. In the face of hot flashes, for example, physical activities are reduced or even everyday stress is reduced to a minimum. In addition to the lower basal metabolic rate, there is now also a lower performance metabolic rate due to less physical activity. Depending on the lifestyle, high-calorie foods are also used in depressive moods, which can also occur. In addition to the reduced turnover of energy, we also have an increased energy supply through diet and lifestyle.

What's the best way to lose weight during menopause?

A simple principle also applies to losing weight during menopause: If you want to lose weight, you have to consume less energy, i.e. calories; as he consumed. Women and men of older age should consider that their basal metabolic rate decreases with age. The portion sizes must be adjusted accordingly, and the selection of healthy foods also has a decisive effect on body weight.

If you want to increase your energy expenditure and want to do your body good, you should also focus on regular exercise. This is generally the motto for a healthy lifestyle, but also the most important thing for women going through menopause who would like to lose weight. In addition to everyday movement in the form of footpaths or distances covered by bike, this also includes physical activity such as strength training or endurance training. This not only has a positive effect on weight, it also has numerous other advantages: Physical activity strengthens the musculoskeletal system, prevents age-related postural damage or the tendency to fall, supports the cardiovascular system and has a positive effect on general well-being. Menopausal women in particular, in whom the hormonal change promotes the occurrence of osteoporosis, benefit from the effects of physical training.

Lose weight with Schüssler salts

Schüssler salts are part of the arsenal of many homeopaths and are also used for menopausal symptoms. The effectiveness of Schüssler salts has not been scientifically proven, but they are very popular and are often used. The indication for Schüssler salts are malaise, diseases or metabolic disorders of all kinds. The effect is based on the assumption that missing minerals have a negative effect on the metabolism and for this reason lead to deficiency symptoms or metabolic disorders. A substitution with Schüssler salts should replace these deficiencies and can therefore also have a positive effect on the metabolism during menopause. In the case of menopausal symptoms, the Schüssler salts No. 7 and No. 8 are used for general complaints, while others are used for specific complaints. But it should be repeated that the effect of the Schüssler salts could not be medically confirmed and that it is only a homeopathic remedy.

Lose weight with homeopathy

In addition to the Schüssler salts, there are other ways of relieving menopausal symptoms in homeopathy. The principle of homeopathy is to heal "like by like". The substances that cause diseases or metabolic disorders are administered in extremely diluted concentrations, thus stimulating the metabolism. The same applies here: There is no medical evidence for the effectiveness of the preparations. The most common forms of administration include, for example Globuleswhich are taken several times a day. In order to find the right preparation, it is advisable to have yourself examined by the treating doctor or an alternative practitioner. However, it must be said again at this point that no noticeable weight loss is to be expected through the intake of globules or any other medicament alone, but at most an improvement in general well-being. There is no avoiding a change in lifestyle such as eating or exercise habits if a reduction in body weight is sought.

How can I lose weight especially on the stomach during menopause?

The falling estrogen level leads to a redistribution of fatty tissue in the female body. The waistline disappears and the chest and stomach become softer. A targeted decrease on the stomach is unfortunately not possible. Where you first lose weight is largely genetic. However, you can achieve a certain tightening of the area through exercises especially for the core of the body. In addition to a reduced calorie intake, there is a weight loss and the stomach appears less soft.

Which diet is recommended for menopause?

So-called "crash diets" advertise rapid weight loss in a few weeks or even days. These diets are risky, however, because they rely on extremely low calorie intake, which can be accompanied by a deficient supply of essential nutrients.

A healthy lifestyle and moderate changes in diet result in about half a kilo of weight loss per week, but should be striven for in a significantly healthier and permanent manner. Physical activity and sport can also increase energy expenditure. Fitness trainers or professional nutritionists can provide assistance with advice and with drawing up an individual diet and exercise plan.

Find out more about the topic: Nutritional advice.

Where can I find good recipes for losing weight during menopause?

Anyone who understands the concept of weight loss and does not get confused by promising, dubious methods such as taking diet pills or miracle diets, has numerous options for making their project a reality. If you have no experience, you may want to seek help from a professional nutritionist. In most cases, however, it is enough to make small enough habit changes to lose weight. It is essential to know your approximate energy expenditure and to adjust your caloric intake. Recipes for low-calorie dishes can be found in magazines, books or on the Internet. Even well-known dishes can be turned into lighter alternatives with small tweaks, mainly by reducing sugar or fat and smaller portion sizes.

Lose weight with diet shakes

Some diet concepts rely on taking shakes instead of meals. These contain a high proportion of proteins and carbohydrates and are at the same time less rich in calorie terms than a complete meal. If you reduce your calorie intake by taking shakes to a healthy extent and at the same time pay attention to an otherwise balanced diet, you can definitely achieve success. However, it should be ensured that the calorie deficit is not too high and that the supply of all essential nutrients is guaranteed. The liquid consistency also leads to a lower feeling of satiety, so you should be careful not to eat any more to compensate. A balanced diet with fresh, healthy foods should be preferred to taking shakes.