Abdominal pain in children


stomach pain are a very common Symptoms in children.
The causes for stomach pain in children are very diverse and the symptom of abdominal pain often very unspecific. Since children often also project a lot of pain, for example a sore throat, into the abdomen, the stomach pain is often much more unspecific in small patients.

To a rough orientation The main causes of abdominal pain in children become the causes in it typical occurrence during the various Ages assigned.

Abdominal pain depending on age

Abdominal pain in infancy

in the Infancy The difficulty arises first of all, as the complaints indicated by screaming stomach pain to interpret.
In the vast majority of cases, it mostly comes through at these young ages excessive air stomach pain in the abdomen.

However, some can serious clinical pictures lead to severe abdominal pain. So can a sudden onset Intestinal obstruction cause very severe abdominal pain. It can also become so-called Intussusception of Colon come that too convulsive Can trigger pain in the abdominal area of ​​the Lindes.

Intussusception are invaginations of the large intestine that can occur for a limited time. A short time later, the affected section of the intestine can already recover unfolds and no longer cause complaints. The diagnosis is difficult, since the point in time of the invagination has to be waited for before via Ultrasonic make the diagnosis.

Furthermore, it can be Infants too numerous Malformations of the gastrointestinal area. The gastrointestinal junction cannot be properly positioned and can lead to severe discomfort. It can also become a Narrowing at the transition between stomach and Intestines come. This so-called Pyloric stenosis Usually occurs in infants and toddlers and, in addition to sometimes very severe abdominal pain, also causes surge-like Vomit of just eaten food.

So-called abdominal pains in infants / children are also relatively common Coprolites. It is understood as hardened stool remainsthat can get stuck in the intestinal area and cause discomfort with every bowel movement. These coprolites can be based on a Ultrasound examination seen and diagnosed. Treatment is usually carried out with light laxative measures. Intussusception usually after the diagnosis operational treated to prevent recurrence.

The common ones Flatulence, which are also called Flatulence can be treated with exfoliating, light herbal supplements

Abdominal pain in infancy

Appendicitis is a typical cause of abdominal pain in infancy.

in the Toddler age are they shifting stomach pain causative diseases.

Often there is one behind stomach pain Appendicitis (Appendicitis) - here mainly as pulling pain right localized. The little patients can usually no longer or only incompletely their right leg raise and complain about Strength to strongest pain. The symptoms are also often of a very limited general condition and nausea such as Vomit accompanied.
Elevated temperatures can also of the child underline the picture of severe inflammation. pressure on the right lower abdomen is portrayed as unbearable. Furthermore, severe pain is indicated on the right side when the left side of the abdomen is pressed in and released suddenly. The pain is caused by this Vibrations of Peritoneum triggered.
While easier appendix irritation mostly rather waiting must be treated, makes the acute inflammation of the appendix a rapid operational Removal is necessary even with children. This is mostly today laparoscopic (keyhole surgery) performed.

Middle abdominal pain can have different causes. Food that is too spicy or too greasy can lead to mid-abdominal pain as well as numerous psychosomatic causes.

The most common psychosomatic cause of abdominal pain in children is fear of school. Although the symptoms are not associated with problems at school, the onset of abdominal pain usually occurs shortly after the weekends and in the morning before school. Often there are no obvious problems for the child at school - the temporal occurrence of abdominal pain classically stands for an emotional tension in the child's social environment.
Not infrequently, this is followed by a visit to the doctor or the school apology, which is then accompanied by immediate improvement of the complaint.The more often this evasive behavior is carried out, the more severe the abdominal discomfort develops. Before diagnosing school anxiety, however, other organic causes that could be to blame for the abdominal pain must be ruled out.

Psychosomatic abdominal pain in children usually decreases in frequency and intensity with increasing age and has mostly completely disappeared by puberty. Are helpful during the appearance

  • relaxing exercises, like
  • autogenic training or
  • Yoga.

However, chemical and herbal medicines should be avoided in childhood in order not to start a corresponding drug-related vicious cycle. If the psychosomatic abdominal pain persists or if it is severe, a school psychological counseling center should be sought.

Read more about this at: Abdominal pain from psyche

Abdominal pain and fever

Kicking in children Abdominal pain and fever in combination, in many cases a inflammation Be the cause of the pain.

Since small children in particular project a lot of pain into the abdomen, must not just the stomachbut always that entire child examined be to find the cause. That counts for children Appendicitis (Appendicitis) to one of the most common causes for abdominal pain.
The pain of appendicitis often starts in the Mid abdomen to the navel around and hike then slowly into the right lower abdomen. The reason for this is the progressive inflammation of the appendix with increasingly precisely localizable pain. Next to the fever the pain is often from nausea, Vomit and one constipation accompanied. The pain is more like one dull, persistent character and increase in intensity. If the Appendicum breaks through, can they Pain first to subside.

With increasing inflammation of Peritoneum (Peritonitis) will the Pain in the lower abdomen, however significantly stronger and can ultimately affect the entire abdomen. Because such peritonitis life threatening can be, it is important to recognize appendicitis early and to operate.
Often appendicitis is due to one Ultrasound examination and the increased inflammation parameters detectable in the blood. In some cases, however, the diagnosis cannot be made through simple diagnostics, so also with the Suspicion appendicitis operated on must become. As long as the inflammation is confined to the appendix, surgery can be frequent laparoscopic be performed. All you need to do is make three small incisions to insert the camera into the abdomen. The remaining scars are very small and barely visible. Since appendectomy is a routine procedure, are Complications very rare and can usually be carried out with children without any problems.

However, the inflammation has spread to the entire abdomen spread, it is a serious disease which is often associated with a major operation must be treated.

Likewise, a simple Abdominal influenza (Gastroenteritis) stomach pain and fever trigger and is one of the most common diseases in children. Often it happens to Abdominal pain and nausea. Besides, it can too diarrhea and Vomit come. In most cases, the gastrointestinal disease is caused by young children Rota viruses evoked. These are very contagious, so the whole family can be affected by the condition. Since gastrointestinal flu usually only lasts very briefly, the pathogen detection is often not necessary. Specific therapy is also rarely necessary. Only in very young children or severely disabled children is one hospitalized necessary to the dehydration balance across the vein. If the children can drink enough themselves, one is often enough Electrolyte solution to the Drink and smaller Amounts of food to make up for fluid loss from vomiting and diarrhea. The gastrointestinal flu usually goes back as quickly as it started, so most children do after 3 to 4 days again healthy are.

Abdominal pain in children at night

Often, children also experience nighttime abdominal pain. The patients can be almost symptom-free during the day and are then awakened by severe colicky pain at night. In this case, an exact diagnosis should be carried out by the doctor urgently. In the case of abdominal pain only at night that does not occur during the day, the diagnosis often remains in the dark. The important thing in this context is To examine the little patient's habits more closely. This should clarify what and how much people eat and drink in the evening, when exactly the pain occurs at night, whether the child has really slept through the night or was woken up by it, etc.

A so-called Intussusception lead to nighttime abdominal pain. In this clinical picture, there are temporary invaginations of the intestinal wall with sometimes extremely severe colic-like pain. The diagnosis of intussusception is extremely difficult because the intestinal wall quickly returns to its original position and then no longer causes any symptoms. A Ultrasound examination can make an intussusception clear in the acute presence. Colon irrigation can lead to intestinal unfolding. If intestinal intussusception occurs repeatedly, surgical treatment should be carried out.

In the case of abdominal pain that only occurs at night, an inflammatory process is unlikely, since the pain would also be present during the day. To relieve nighttime pain, treatment with a Hot water bottle be performed. However, if the pain gets worse, the treatment should be discontinued. A decisive factor in establishing a diagnosis is also how often there are nocturnal abdominal pain. Sudden one-time abdominal pain can have more serious causes than repeated abdominal pain at the same time. In the latter case, a psychosomatic component is common and even likely. In any case, one should also consider Blood test to be carried out, in which increased inflammation values ​​would indicate an inflammatory process in the abdominal area.

Different localizations of the bulging pain in the child

Upper abdominal pain

Upper abdominal pain in children are common heavy to diagnose, as the localization of the pain is often not precisely specified. In the upper abdomen, especially the hypertrophic pyloric stenosis with pain. This is a Muscle increase in the gastric outlet. The actual growth of this muscle layer only takes place after birth, so most of them Newborn aged 4 to 8 weeks become conspicuous. Due to the hypertrophic muscles, the Stomach contents not more further into the intestines transported become.
The newborns suffer from heavy stomach filling after eating severe abdominal pain and Vomit immediately after eating in the gush. In addition, I often think of it slow weight loss on. Because of these severe symptoms, the children will directly after the diagnosis operated on. This is a small intervention with Longitudinal splitting of the affected muscles (after Weber-Ramstedt). If the therapy is successful, the prognosis is excellent. After the operation, the children can be fed normally and thrive.

Also one Intussusception can to severe abdominal pain to lead. This is a Invagination from two intestinal parts into each other, so that the intestinal contents can no longer be transported further. It comes to severe pain, alternating with phases of complete exhaustion and lethargy. Mostly there are children between 3rd month and 2nd year of life affected.
The symptoms begin suddenly and can bloody stools cause. The therapy consists primarily in the attempt of hydrostatic reduction. The bowel is repositioned by filling it with contrast medium. If this does not succeed, in some cases it must operated on to manually reposition the bowel. If the therapy is done early, the Good prognosis. However, it can become one renewed illness come.

Some examination methods such as a colonoscopy can also cause pain in the upper abdomen. Read more about this topic under: Abdominal pain after a colonoscopy.

Left side abdominal pain

Inguinal hernias are a common disease, especially the Premature babies Children. Often is a insufficient closure of Inguinal canal responsible for the inguinal hernia. If no part of the intestine is trapped in the hernial sac, no pain occurs.
A Pinched inguinal hernia go with strengthen, suddenly occurring pain in the groin area. Often the hernia in the hernial sac in the groin area palpable. Signs of inflammation like fever absence in many cases. Since the inguinal hernia leads to entrapment of the intestines, it must also treated as quickly as possible become. In some cases, the hernia can be reduced manually. The operative closure of the inguinal hernia. If the hernia cannot be freed from its entrapment, an operation must be performed immediately to prevent the affected part of the intestine from dying off.

Also one Testicular torsion can to sudden strengthen Pain lead because this is a Twist of Spermatic cord deals with the supplying vessels and nerves. Often boys are in the puberty affected by testicular torsion. In most cases, testicular torsion can also handled manually become. If this does not succeed, he has to Surgical scrotum (scrotum) opened and the spermatic cord manually repositioned.

Likewise can Ureteral stonesif they are too big to pass the ureter, too colicky pain in the Lower abdomen to lead.
In children can underlying diseases in need of therapy are the cause, so that with ureteral stones a Kidney disease or Metabolic disease should be excluded. In most cases one is enough Pain relieving and antispasmodic therapy and the stone is transported by itself into the bladder and then excreted. If this is not the case, the stone has to go through stone dissolving drugs to be resolved. In exceptional cases a surgical removal of the stone necessary. A ultrasound-guided shock wave therapy is usually in children not applied.

Right-sided abdominal pain

As on the left side, a Testicular torsion, one Inguinal hernia or Ureteral stones Cause pain.

In the right lower abdomen there is also the appendixwhich ignite and one Appendicitis (Appendicitis). This inflammation is usually accompanied by:

  • slight fever
  • nausea
  • Vomit and
  • Constipation or diarrhea

Read our topic: Diarrhea in toddlers

What helps with abdominal pain in children

Abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms in childhood. They can have a wide range of causes and should always be examined by a doctor. Depending on the cause, various treatment options are also possible. One of the most common causes of abdominal pain in children is poor digestion, which then takes the form of a constipation makes noticeable. Too little daily drinking, too little exercise and too unhealthy eating have led to an increase in abdominal pain caused by constipation in children in recent years. After a sufficient diagnosis has taken place, treatment should take place. In case of constipation cause of abdominal pain, the Drink up to 2 liters per day increased and adequate daily exercise. If constipation persists, treatment can be attempted with Dried fruit and flaxseed be performed. If this doesn't help either, it should Movicol, a powder used to regulate the bowel.
Symptomatic and especially with severe spasmodic pain Buscopan or paracetamol given to the child. Buscopan has an antispasmodic effect and works very quickly in children.

A possible one is always important Appendicitis which is very common in children and mainly causes pain on the right side of the lower abdomen. In this case, in the vast majority of cases, only the surgical removal of the appendix remains.

Severe abdominal pain in children can also result too much air in the stomach occurrence. This is also often the result of an unhealthy diet, too much sitting, and insufficient fluid intake. In addition to changing lifestyle habits, Lefax or Sab Simplex can always lead to an improvement in abdominal pain in children. This Flatulence drug binds the air in the stomach and relieves the intestines.

Abdominal pain in children is very often of a psychosomatic nature. Similar to headaches, recurring abdominal pain can also be an expression of a Fear of school, too high a performance requirement or unresolved conflicts. School anxiety is one of the most common causes of abdominal pain in children.

Furthermore, so-called Umbilical colic in the child lead to severe abdominal pain. Often, hub colic is also associated with psychologically very tense life situations and extreme stress. Umbilical colic causes severe cramp-like pain in the lower abdomen and intestines. The exact cause is not known, but has been attributed to a vegetative reaction. The diagnosis of umbilical colic is a diagnosis of exclusion, i.e. they would only be asked if other causes were out of the question. Even a nocturnal occurrence of symptoms cannot be adequately explained with umbilical colic.