Meniscus contusion


The Meniscus contusion represents a rather harmless variant of the Meniscal injury The meniscus is only squashed by an accident or incorrect loading, but does not tear. This is usually the case with a pure meniscus squeeze no surgery necessary, but one conservative therapy sufficient.


The typical Symptoms one Meniscus contusion are one of them Meniscal tear very similar. First of all, the symptoms are typical. Rather belong to this top, sharp pain on the Inside or outside of the knee, depending on the meniscus affected. These can be intensified by applying pressure on the knee and using certain movements, as described in the diagnosis. If the symptoms persist, the pain can become dull and spread to the entire joint. Also the formation of one Joint effusion is possible with a meniscus squeeze.

In contrast to a tear in the meniscus, there is usually a bruise minor restrictions of the agility. These arise with a meniscus tear because the meniscus parts can move in the joint space. If there is a restriction of movement in the case of a meniscus squeeze, then it usually only exists because of the painfulness of the movement itself and has no mechanical origin. Complaints when walking upstairs are typical here.

Even with one Meniscus contusion but can with a longer existence Follow-up problems occur. These include, for example Relief postures or Overuse of muscles, by intuitively trying to put less weight on the affected knee.

Appointment with a knee specialist?

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Who am I?
My name is dr. Nicolas Gumpert. I am a specialist in orthopedics and the founder of .
Various television programs and print media report regularly about my work. On HR television you can see me every 6 weeks live on "Hallo Hessen".
But now enough is indicated ;-)

The knee joint is one of the joints with the greatest stress.

Therefore, the treatment of the knee joint (e.g. meniscus tear, cartilage damage, cruciate ligament damage, runner's knee, etc.) requires a lot of experience.
I treat a wide variety of knee diseases in a conservative way.
The aim of any treatment is treatment without surgery.

Which therapy achieves the best results in the long term can only be determined after looking at all of the information (Examination, X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) be assessed.

You can find me in:

  • Lumedis - your orthopedic surgeon
    Kaiserstrasse 14
    60311 Frankfurt am Main

Directly to the online appointment arrangement
Unfortunately, it is currently only possible to make an appointment with private health insurers. I hope for your understanding!
Further information about myself can be found at Dr. Nicolas Gumpert


The causes one Meniscus contusion do not differ significantly from those of other types of damage to the meniscus. Usually there is one Improper loading for example in Sports, or also at physical work the cause. This can result in a long-term exposure over time Damage to the meniscus to lead. But also a acute accident, or one Knee strain at an unfavorable angle can damage the meniscus with a single impact. Most of the time, the stress in a meniscus squeeze is not as strong, or the type of impact is not quite as unfavorable, as in the development of one Meniscal tear. In addition, there is often the normal aging process. Through wear and tear over life and one Deterioration in cartilage strength, most of the people in the Age minor cracks or Bruises on the meniscuswhich mostly arose without any particular cause. Also the Blood circulation and care of meniscus is usually worse in old age, which favors injuries.


The first suspected diagnosis usually results from the above Symptoms, possibly in connection with the possible course of injury. In order to substantiate this suspicion, the knee is used examination then above all moved.

Squeezing the meniscus can cause restrictions and pain in certain movements. That's how it hurts Medial meniscus especially when the foot is at bent knee to turned outside becomes. Of the External meniscus with a corresponding Inward rotation. In this respect, even this simple investigation can provide an indication. Pressing on the respective joint space also usually triggers pain, which indicates damage to the meniscus on the corresponding side. Side loading of the extended leg inwards or outwards can also cause typical symptoms. With a trained examiner, these tests show very good accuracy.

Still, the Diagnosis then usually through radiological procedures added. Usually a X-ray image of the knee to allow an initial assessment of the damage. This is especially important if damage to the bone is suspected. In order to estimate more precisely which therapy is necessary, an MRI is the method of choice.

In many cases, however, despite an MRI image, it may be necessary to perform a diagnostic arthroscopy, i.e. a knee examination. The exact extent of the damage and the best therapeutic approach can often only be decided by looking directly into the knee. With this look into the knee, an operation is often carried out on the affected parts in order to avoid another therapeutic arthroscopy.

MRI for a meniscus squeeze

The MRI represents the most accurate Imaging method to show meniscus damage. Here the soft tissues and Cartilage best examine in the knee. In most cases, cracks can be discovered here or delimited from pure bruises and swellings. About 90% of the tears in the meniscus can be detected with the MRI. However, the MRI also has its limits. It is by no means uncommon that a hundred percent assessment cannot be given even after the MRI image has been produced.

Since that MRI Indeed no radiation exposure or other side effects, this does not have any major disadvantages. The problem with the MRI recording is mostly that the image is always only a snapshot and so the consequences, e.g. a torn piece of meniscus in motion is difficult to estimate.
An exact determination of the irritation state of the tissue is also not possible. Even if the crack can be shown well, assessing the impairment in everyday life is often difficult. It may well happen that a meniscus lesion is assessed as very minor in the MRI, but still causes many complaints in everyday life, or vice versa.
In this respect, the MRI of the knee is the best imaging option, but it can Arthroscopy of the knee not always replace.

Further information can be found under our topic: MRI for meniscus damage


Usually with one Meniscus contusion the conservative therapy sufficient. The physical therapy In the acute phase, however, the above-mentioned immediate measures and protection are also important in order to facilitate healing. Once the initial inflammatory reaction has subsided, physiotherapeutic therapy can help strengthen the muscles so that the knee is relieved. This is particularly important if the meniscus squeeze was not caused by an acute accident but by chronic overload. Then it can also be that the Meniscus lesion Only then heals and the pain only disappears when the strain on the knee has been buffered by the muscles.

Depending on the severity of the pain, the course can go through Injections in the knee joint can be improved. This is usually done by injecting mixtures Cortisone and one Local anesthetic into the joint space. The cortisone stops the inflammatory reaction and prevents further damage. The local anesthetic stops the pain and enables better movement therapy. Depending on the symptoms, injections can also be used Hyaluronic acid respectively. As an important component of the body cartilage, this is supposed to achieve faster healing and regeneration of cartilage. Then you should also go beyond physiotherapy independent exercises executed and Muscle strengthening by Knee-friendly sportn, such as easy cycling. This is the only way to avoid further damage in the long term.

Only in very rare cases may it be necessary to have a Meniscus contusion operational to supply.A relief incision is usually made if the swelling in the affected meniscus is too strong to heal otherwise.

As a supplement to therapy, measures from the field of Cryotherapy, i.e. targeted cooling applications, as well Current therapy can be used with the help of TENS devices. To limit the amount of oral pain reliever, active ingredients such as Voltaren can also be used in the form of an ointment bandage.

Meniscus squeezing: what to do?

So what should you do if you fear one Meniscus contusion to have?

First of all, you should always do the whole thing clarify with a doctor to know which others Therapeutic measures are necessary. But even in the time up to the appointment, or as an immediate measure at home, you can already do a lot. So it can help that knee several times a day too cool around a Decongestion to reach. In the course of cooling, that should leg then too stored high become. Of course, it is also important to take care of yourself and refrain from further sport, as this can otherwise worsen the bruise or widen it to the point of a tear.

Over-the-counter products are also helpful against inflammation and pain Painkiller, how Ibuprofen or Diclofenac. These also prevent the entire knee joint from becoming inflamed due to the bruise. However, if you take them for a long time you should always use them Stomach protection, such as. Pantozol® or Omeprazole be combined. Of course, these initial measures neither replace a doctor's visit nor adequate therapy.

Home remedies

Probably the most important Home remedies for meniscus problems is the cooling. It is important that the cooling element is not placed directly on the skin. The use of is recommended as further measures Drug associations. These include, on the one hand, ointments, such as Voltaren or others Sports ointmentsthat are supposed to inhibit inflammation and thus help with healing. These ointment dressings should always be applied thickly and left on the knee for as long as possible. One can use the Anoint also very good with the cooling or one TENS therapy combine. Zinc ointment bandages are also said to help with knee problems.

From the field of naturopathy should Wrap with curd, vinegar or Healing earth help. These substances are attributed to the fact that they effectively pull the inflammatory substances out of the joint. Also Oils With essential ingredients can have anti-inflammatory effects. These include, for example, thyme, rosemary, mountain pine or spruce needle extracts. These should then be applied to the knee several times a day.

To improve the complaints in the short term you can also Tape dressings from the field of Kinesio tapes help. However, these should not simply be glued on yourself. You should also be careful not to use tape dressings for a long time to prevent the taped muscles from breaking down. Otherwise the external support can increase the damage.

A very similar aid measure that also has the same problems is the use of Knee braces. These are now often available in supermarkets. But even these bandages should only be used for a short time, as they can otherwise lead to destabilization of the knee joint and thus prevent the actual healing. To that extent are light strengthening exercises the better approach in the long term. Soft insoles can be used to cushion heavy impact loads on the knee. With all self-performed measures, one should bear in mind that they can only have a supportive effect in the event of a real crack and in no way replace a correct therapy.

Duration of a meniscus squeeze

Usually one heals Meniscus contusion disappears within a few weeks if you follow some therapy measures. Of course, an adequate one is of course above all else Protection and Sports leave important.

However, if the burden is constantly passed on, or even new accidents can occur Meniscus contusion also further aggravate or become one Widen the crack. Especially when taking painkillers you should be careful not to put too much strain on the knee.


The best prevention against Contusions of the meniscus is a strong muscles. You should also pay attention to this if you already have knee problems sports With quick changes of direction to avoid. These include, for example, football or tennis. Even deep crouching and careless turning movements, especially when carrying things, can damage an already pre-stressed meniscus and should therefore be avoided.