German term
Use of Verbascum for the following diseases in homeopathy
- hysteria
- insomnia
- a headache
- Inclination to Convulsions and Faint
- Nerve irritation
- Weakness of the legs
- nervous heart problems
- Globe feeling in the throat
- Stomach cramps
- Flatulence
- Complaints in Menopause / menopause
Use of Verbascum for the following symptoms / complaints
- Constriction (globe feeling) and sensation of heat and scratching in the throat
- insomnia with general restlessness
- can't keep calm, senses overwhelmed
- Forehead headache, jerkily, suddenly, with dizziness
- cramps and Faint suddenly and even at the slightest pain
- Fatigue and great weakness, especially in the legs
- Jerking and pulling through the limbs like electric shocks, worse when moving, better at rest
- Irritation of the facial nerves with severe pain
- Frequent need to urinate
- Stomach cramps
and - paroxysmal heartburn
- nausea
- Cravings
and - much eructation
- Palpitations with flushing of blood
- flying heat and sweating
- Pain and Stiffness in the lower back
- Pain in the heels and Achilles tendon
- evening and night
- in the silence
and after exertion
improvement by:
- employment
and - Move
- by rubbing
Active organs
- Central nervesystem
- annoy
- Vascular nerves
Usual dosage
- Drops of Verbascum D2, D3, D6, D12