Figure aortic tear

Figure aortic tear

The aortic tear

  1. Aortic arch - Arcus aortae
  2. Ascending aorta -
    Ascending aorta
  3. Thoracic aorta
    (descending aorta) -
    Thoracic aorta
  4. Diaphragm -
  5. Abdominal aorta -
    (above the renal artery)
    Abdominal aorta
  6. Left kidney - Ren sinister
  7. Abdominal aorta
    (below the renal artery)
    Abdominal aorta
  8. Aortic fork - Bifurcatio aortae
  9. Adventitia -Tunica adventitia
  10. Media -Tunica media
  11. Intima - tunica intima
    A - aortic dissection
    a - Structure of the aortic wall
    b - Hemorrhage after intimus tear
    c - Intimar tear after media bleeding
    B - aortic aneurysm
    d - Thoracic aorta
    e - Abdominal aorta
    f - Thoracoabdominal aorta

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