Figure dark circles

Figure dark circles (A, B) and muscles of the eye area (C)

a - Constant overpigmentation
b - Blood vessels show through
c - pigment growth
d - allergy
e - atopic dermatitis
= Atopic eczema
(Chronic skin disease)
f - deficiency symptoms
(Iron, vitamin C, zinc)
g - overexertion
h - Chronic lack of sleep

  1. Lateral tendon hood muscle -
    Epicranius muscle
  2. Upper lid plate -
    Superior tarsus
  3. Lower lid plate -
    Inferior tarsus
  4. Eye sphincter
    (Eye ring muscle) -
    Orbicularis oculi muscle
  5. Small zygomatic muscle -
    Zygomaticus minor muscle
  6. Upper lip lifter -
    Levator labii superioris muscle
  7. Nasal alar elevator -
    Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle
  8. Nasal muscle -
    Nasalis muscle

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