Burning in the mouth


Burning mouth is a common symptom that can be triggered by various causes. A tingling and burning sensation in the oral mucosa are typical, mostly affecting the cheeks or tongue. The burning sensation can have harmless causes, but also serious illnesses. A doctor should be consulted if it occurs frequently. The therapy options depend on the cause.

Causes of Burning Mouth

There are many different diseases or causes that can cause a sore mouth. Because it is often a bit confused here, we want to try a small classification - without claiming to be exhaustive:

  • Basic disease: Burning mouth caused by an underlying disease: local fungal diseases, tongue or cheek inflammation, but also serious diseases can be the cause. These diseases include: diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, scleroderma and the lichen planus. Allergies are also included here.
  • Whitening tooth surgery
  • Dentures: Incorrectly fitting dentures or an incompatible material belong in this group. The wrong bite can irritate the mucous membrane and cause a burning sensation. The same applies if two different types of metal are present next to each other in the mouth. For example, the base amalgam and the precious gold. Under certain circumstances, a current can flow there and trigger a fire.
  • By external influences: The wrong toothpaste or toothpaste that is too sharp or a lipstick with chemical additives can cause the burning sensation.
  • Medication: Taking various medications can also cause a burning sensation in the mouth. Above all, antidepressants, antibiotics and some antihypertensive drugs should be listed here. Disinfecting mouthwashes that have to be used over several weeks can also be a reason
  • Vitamin deficiency: Vitamin B12, folic acid and iron deficiencies should be considered here. Failure to do so can have far-reaching consequences for the body.
  • Smoke
  • Fungal diseases
  • Allergic reaction
  • After consuming dairy products
  • Psychosomatic

Burning in the mouth after dentures

One of the most common causes of burning mouth is having a new denture. The new dentures can irritate the mucous membrane through various factors and then lead to burning. A typical problem is that the new prosthesis does not fit properly. It presses on a point that is then mechanically stimulated. After a short time, a burning sensation can develop, which is locally limited, but sometimes can also be radiant.

Another known situation in which a sore mouth can be caused: when a new crown or bridge has been inserted. It can then happen that the new dentures come into direct contact with an old filling or crown. If the two restorations are not made of the same metal, this can cause a chemical reaction to take place and a current to flow in the mouth. Then the person concerned feels a metallic taste, which is sometimes accompanied by a burning sensation.

After wisdom tooth surgery

A burning sensation after a wisdom tooth operation can basically only have two main causes. On the one hand, the effect of the anesthetic, which is injected into the oral mucus before the tooth extraction, or the fact that a nerve has been injured.

The former is not unnatural and is usually a circumstance that will be resolved after a few hours. The sensitive nerve fibers of the oral cavity and teeth are made insensitive with an anesthetic. If the anesthetic begins to wear off, paresthesia can occur, which can also manifest itself in the form of a burning sensation in the mouth.

However, if the anesthesia was not performed correctly, so that the tip of the syringe injured a nerve, permanent discomfort can result. The nerve is additionally stressed by the swelling after the tooth extraction, so that it reports increased sensations that one would not register under normal circumstances.

Taking antibiotics

Antibiotics are drugs that kill bacteria so that the body can cope with an infection more easily or so that an infection cannot develop in the first place. However, these drugs make no distinction between “good” and “bad” bacteria. “Good” bacteria are microorganisms that reside in the body and perform a task for it. "Bad" bacteria are pathogens.

If all bacteria are killed by the administration of the antibiotic, the natural oral flora is also changed. In this situation, fungi that are normally kept in check by the bacteria can sometimes spread. In the mouth a so-called. Candida albicans infection, Colloquially also called oral thrush. It shows itself through a whitish, wipeable coating on the tongue and mucous membranes. A smear is taken by the dentist and examined under the microscope. After that, an anti-fungal drug is prescribed and the condition heals within a few days. Vaginal and intestinal fungi are also known side effects after antibiotics. They arise in a similar way as the fungal disease in the mouth area.

Read more on this topic: Oral thrush

Fungal disease

Fungal infections of the mouth are not uncommon and the first suspected diagnosis when a patient reports "burning in the mouth". In technical jargon, a fungal infection of the mouth and throat is known as oral thrush.

A fungal infestation can typically establish itself where there is a weakened immune system or a weakened skin flora is present. Fungal infections occur more typically if the body's own bacterial flora has also been destroyed by an antibiotic or if the person concerned has a general immune deficiency. Typical examples of this would be AIDS patients or people with a form of leukemia.


Allergies can manifest themselves after different times and in different intensities. The worst form of allergy to be assumed is anaphylactic shock, which can even be life-threatening.

But even in a milder form, an allergic reaction can be accompanied by what is known as mucosal edema. This rapid water retention in the tissue - because this is an edema, ensures that the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat swell so much that the person concerned threatens to suffocate.

The water retention in the oral mucosa can - similar to the decreasing anesthesia in the wisdom tooth surgery - lead to discomfort, some of which is burning, some is painful or numb.

Depending on what the person concerned is allergic to, a rash can develop in the area that came into contact with the triggering substance. If this was the lining of the mouth, an itchy rash can also present as a burning sensation in the mouth.

Burning in the mouth when smoking

Toxic substances such as nicotine, which are absorbed when smoking cigarettes, can cause unpleasant sensations in the mouth and diseases of the mucous membranes.

Increased keratinization of the mucous and / or lip skin caused by chronic irritation can lead to so-called leukoplakia, which is accompanied by light spots on the mucous membrane. This inflammation can then lead to a burning sensation. In the worst case, this area can change more and more and in rare cases precancerous stages develop.

The consumption of cigarettes is one of the most important causes of oral cavity, tongue and esophageal cancer. This is due to the direct contact of the luxury goods with the oral mucosa, the throat and the tongue.

After consuming dairy products

Burning mouth or tongue burning after consuming dairy products is a phenomenon that occurs in some people who suffer from what is known as lactose intolerance, i.e. who are unable to break down lactose in the intestine in such a way that it can be absorbed by the human body can be. Often this is associated with a lack of other nutrients.

As already described above, this vitamin deficiency can not only cause cracked corners of the mouth but also a burning sensation in the oral mucosa or tongue.

Psychosomatic cause

To make the term psychosomatic at this point once again briefly understood: It is a fundamentally psychological problem, which, however, manifests itself in physical symptoms.

However, it does not generally mean that a burning sensation in the mouth is an indication of a specific mental illness. It can be an expression of anything. The trick for the attending physician is to uncover the psychological cause and not just to be guided by the physical symptoms.

As a rule, however, this is only possible with the help of the patient. It can often establish a decisive temporal connection between the onset of the illness and a stressful experience that can trigger the burning sensation.

The therapy changes accordingly, of course. In the case of psychomatic complaints, in most cases psychotherapy is necessary, in which the experiences can be processed and a structured treatment concept is developed.

Burning mouth with involvement of the lips

If the lips are affected by a burning sensation, this is called in technical jargon "Burning lips syndrome". It mainly affects men. The cause is usually one Incapacity or inflammation of the small salivary glands of the lip. It can be triggered by bacteria, viruses, an autoimmune or systemic disease. The reasons are sometimes quite harmless. Dry heating air, air conditioning, sunburn, neurodermatitis or allergies to toothpaste are behind it. In the following, the lips tear from the dehydration and cracks form. These heal without scarring. This disease is treated with Bethamethasone valerate ointment or similar to the treatment of dry mouth. Among other things, Saliva replacement products are prescribed so that there is sufficient moisture on the lips and in the oral cavity.

Read more on this topic: dry lips - these are the causes

Another cause that can cause lip singeing is one Herpes simplex infection. This occurs particularly often with a weak immune system and stress. First, vesicles appear, which then burst and heal crusty. Without treatment, the healing takes about 8-10 days, Acyclovir cream can accelerate this.

Read more on this topic: Cold sore

Burning mouth with involvement of the tongue

Often times that occurs Burning tongue along with a burning palate on, this will too Glossodynia or "Burning mouth syndrome" In addition to the burning sensation, the tongue can be painful, spread bad taste, or appear blotchy.

As the sole disease, this occurs between the ages of 50 and 70 in connection with the Menopause on.

Often, however, the burning sensation as a secondary disease is the expression of another symptom. Responsible primary diseases are similar to those of burning mouth, especially here Contact allergies (possibly nuts, apples or carrots), Fungal attack, the Leukoplakia or Canker sores. Neurological disorders and internal diseases can also trigger the burning sensation, for example can multiple sclerosis, Diabetes mellitus, the Trigeminal neuralgia or one Vitamin deficiency disorder diagnose. Gargling with cold sage tea or salt water should help. If the mouth feels very dry, you should drink enough fluids. Cold drinks have the positive side effect of numbing the burning sensation for a while.

Burning in the mouth with involvement of the throat

The burning sensation in the mouth and throat often comes along with it Cough, hoarseness, fatigue, or fever on. The cause of these symptoms in winter is often the flu or cold.

But also Allergies can be the cause here. Allergens in the air, in food or in the environment can address various receptors in the throat, which narrow the bronchi and cause a burning sensation or cough. If a dry cough occurs at the same time as the sore throat, these are typical symptoms of allergies, such as pollen, congestion or animal hair. The trigger should be found out and avoided, then the burning will also go away.

In people who suffer from respiratory arrest during sleep and therefore breathing through your mouth at night, very dry mouth occurs in the morning. This can cause paresthesia such as a sore throat the next day.

Even when speaking or singing for long or loudly, for example after a concert, many are familiar with the problem of the burning throat. It disappears again in the course of the next few days and is usually unproblematic.

Burning sensation in the throat and esophagus

If there is a burning sensation in the throat and esophagus, it is usually an expression of heartburn. It often happens right after you eat, especially when you bend forward or lie down flat. If this occurs occasionally, over-the-counter antacids from the pharmacy can be used. In the case of chronic occurrence, a doctor should be consulted in order to prevent negative secondary diseases. The chronic reflux of gastric acid, which triggers heartburn, can permanently damage the lining of the esophagus.

Read more on this topic: heartburn

Are you unsure whether heartburn is the right diagnosis for you? Then read more about your pain and its other potential causes on our website

  • Burning in the throat
  • Burning sensation in the esophagus

A tonsillitis can also trigger a sore throat. Typical other associated symptoms are fever, headache and difficulty swallowing. The family doctor should be seen here. If the tonsillitis is caused by streptococci, it should be treated with antibiotics.

You might also be interested in this topic: Tonsillitis

Burning in the corner of the mouth

The corners of the mouth are a part of the body that is exposed to greater tension than one might think. As a rule, the burning sensation is based on a torn corner of the mouth, for which there are in turn a very good handful of potential causes.

In addition to the corners of the mouth softened by too much liquid or simple cuts on rough food components, a vitamin deficiency can also be responsible for tearing the corners of the mouth. In addition to a lack of vitamin B-2, it can also be vitamin B12, which is not available in sufficient quantities in the body. People who generally have anemia (anemia) suffer from a significantly higher risk of torn corners of the mouth as a symptom of anemia.


No general statement can be made about the duration of the burning sensation in the mouth. It depends on the individual case. If the burn is triggered in and by a removable foreign body, this cause can usually be eliminated within a few minutes.

If the symptoms are caused by a prosthesis, the problems can usually be eliminated within a short time.

Infectious causes, on the other hand, are usually treated with appropriate medication for one to two weeks. However, if autoimmune processes are responsible, the symptoms can usually only be suppressed, but not completely treated, so that one could say that the duration would be lifelong in such a case.


The prognosis, like the duration, depends on the underlying "disease" or the cause.

While for simple causes such as dry skin, mechanical problems due to a prosthesis or a vitamin deficiency there are very good chances of recovery of well over 99%, not every infection can be successfully combated and in rare cases leads to chronic pain.

As a rule, autoimmune processes cannot be cured. Only the symptoms can be suppressed here. If the corresponding medication is discontinued, however, the symptoms usually break out again.

Burning mouth diagnosis

Burning mouth can be diagnosed by the dentist, family doctor, ear, nose and throat specialist, or other doctors. The most important thing here is of course that the patient describes his symptoms as precisely as possible.

Redness, plaque or swelling can often be seen in the mouth. In addition, certain Blood tests be performed. Blood sugar and kidney values ​​as well as thyroid values ​​are checked in order to rule out serious illnesses. Allergies or the presence of various metals in the oral cavity (braces or dentures) can also be the cause. These criteria can easily be checked by the dentist. To rule out a skin disease, you can Trade-offs which can be viewed under the microscope.

Burning mouth symptoms

Burning mouth describes a painful clinical picture that mainly spreads to the tongue. Depending on the cause, the inside of the cheeks, gums, lips, throat or throat can also be affected. The feeling or burning sensation is similar to the symptoms after eating too spicy food. An uncomfortable stinging can usually be felt. Those affected very often complain of taste disturbances or the feeling of dry mouth that accompanies the burning sensation.

Sometimes there are specific triggers for the burning sensation in the mouth, such as changes in the mucous membrane or an allergic reaction. Certain foods or drinks can cause this. Mechanical irritation also leads to increased burning sensation in some patients. This can be triggered by the consumption of rough, hard bread or other solid foods. If the symptoms are triggered by medication, they often disappear again after ingestion.