
Definition- what is a gym?

A fitness room can of course mean something different for every person or person exercising. Basically, however, it is understood to be an opportunity to train at home - i.e. independently of a fitness studio or the like. In the Anglo-American area, however, the term “garage gym” is more common.

While in many areas of the USA such a room is not necessarily heated due to the year-round mild climate and can therefore really be outside the house, in Germany year-round use is only possible if the room is also heated or is part of the house. The equipment of a fitness room depends on the needs, budget and preferences of the user.

What exercise equipment should I have in the gym?

The question of all questions when it comes to setting up a gym yourself. In principle, this question can be raised from two starting points.
One approach is primarily related to motivation. It's about equipping the fitness room with equipment that makes you want to use it or exercise. Because without the motivation to use the room, it would be pointless to furnish it. It is largely irrelevant whether it is devices that are used to build strength, endurance or mobility training.

Another approach poses the question of the equipment that can be used to cover as many training options as possible. Just about any gym owner or personal trainer would probably have a tendency to recommend a barbell and set of weight plates. With the help of the barbell, the arms, legs or back can be trained.

A so-called rack would be a useful addition to this. In principle, this is nothing more than at least two stable posts on which the barbell can be placed at any height. The rack allows you to grab the dumbbell from head height and do front and back squats, military presses, etc. In most cases, the rack also offers the advantage that there is a crossbar at the upper end, on which you can also do pull-ups, toes-to-bars, muscle-ups or other exercises with your own body weight.

Another investment that should be considered sensible would be the purchase of rings. These are ideal for performing exercises with your own body weight. Inverse rows, dips or stabilization exercises can be performed on them. Due to the fact that the rings are attached freely hanging, the auxiliary muscles are activated with each exercise to keep the rings in a stable position.

An adjustable weight bench would be the next logical investment from the author's point of view. This means that exercises such as bench press, inclined bench press, lying row, triceps extensions or dips on the weight bench can now be performed.

Equipment for endurance training is not absolutely necessary, but can be a useful addition. A rowing machine, for example, would be conceivable. These can usually be stowed upright so that the space required by such a device is kept within limits. It is not only used for endurance and conditioning training, but also ensures that the muscles of the back and legs are built up.

Only then would it make sense to get hold of dumbbells or kettlebells. A set with fixed dumbbells has the advantage that the weight on the dumbbells does not have to be changed, but a set that includes several pairs of dumbbells - so-called dumbbells - is significantly more expensive than a dumbbell set in which the weight plates can be exchanged.

Another sensible and supportive investment are resistance bands. These can be used to facilitate bodyweight exercises such as pull-ups or muscle-ups by supporting the pull on the barbell.

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The fitness room for muscle building

As already mentioned at the beginning, both the budget and the space that is available play a decisive point when setting up the fitness room. An absolute must for the fitness room to build muscle is a stable rack as the "center" of the fitness room. It offers the possibility of safely putting down heavy weights and doing exercises with your own body weight without having to worry that the bar will not be able to hold the weight or the like.

Endurance training equipment, such as the rowing machine, is negligible as a primary goal in terms of muscle building. Instead, the money should then be invested in a good quality barbell. The choice of weight, whether cast iron plates or plastic-coated discs, depends on the taste of the user.

Since high weights are mainly used to build muscle, safety options should be very important. They are there to catch the barbell in an emergency if you can no longer lift or press it on your own. Last but not least, it is also advisable to attach a mirror so that you can observe yourself while performing the exercise, as the technique is often neglected with high weights, which can lead to injuries or long-term damage.
To summarize the essentials again briefly: stable, firmly anchored rack, barbell, weight plate set, stable weight bench (adjustable if necessary) and so-called safety spotter.

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The fitness room for endurance sports

While you can invest a lot of money in setting up a fitness room to build muscle, much higher sums can be made for a room that is aimed at endurance training.

The simplest piece of equipment that might come to mind is a treadmill or a stationary bike.Depending on the needs of the trainee, he can be satisfied with inexpensive models. However, if the training is to be carried out more professionally, the purchase of a so-called Airrunner or a Smart Trainer can make sense. The former is a kind of curved treadmill that is driven by the person running. Depending on how far forward he places his feet, the belt runs faster or slower. The second is a kind of bicycle ergometer in which your own bike is clamped. With this device, gradients can be simulated or the resistance can be adjusted to the watt.

Furthermore, a rowing machine or a so-called skier is recommended to train endurance. However, these are not capable of training basic endurance as well as the two devices mentioned above.

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Are there any useful apps that I can use to train in my gym?

Yes, there are already tons of these apps. While it makes sense, especially for endurance athletes, to wear a heart rate sensor during exercise, this is not necessarily relevant for pure strength exercises.

With the help of apps, the data that a fitness tracker or pulse sensor recorded during the training can be read out and the training can be analyzed. If, for example, lactate values ​​were determined in advance in combination with the heart rate, the heart rate can be used to roughly say which aspect of your endurance you are currently training.

Another useful addition can be timers. These are not just simple stopwatches, but alarm clocks that, for example, announce a new lap at defined time intervals, announce the start with signals, etc.

In addition to the app for evaluating the pulse sensor, a kind of “fitness diary” also makes sense. This does not necessarily have to be managed as an app, but can also be created as a notebook. However, many apps offer the advantage that they can quickly downscale maximum values ​​and that you can quickly and easily search for specific keywords. In some cases, these apps also offer the option of suggesting workouts that you can complete.

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What should the flooring be like in a fitness room?

The answer to this question is based on the demands and the exercises to be performed by the trainee. In principle, it is advisable to line the floor with hard rubber mats. If the barbell has to be thrown off due to excessive weight or something falls to the floor, these mats will catch the fall and protect the floor covering.
For other exercises - mainly in the area of ​​weightlifting - it is advisable to have a solid surface so that you can stand on stable feet when the weight is moved. There are special deadlift platforms for this, which, however, can also be built yourself with a little manual skill.

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What costs do I have to expect if I set up a fitness room?

The prices for a fully equipped fitness room are as widely spread as the range of different sports themselves.
For example, if you limit yourself to the “essentials” that were mentioned in the section above and take the time to buy these things used in idle individual work (eBay, etc.) You can get by on a budget of around 1500 euros. If, on the other hand, you decide to buy the basic equipment in one go from a well-known manufacturer, you can expect roughly double the costs.
There are actually no upper limits to the expenditure. There is a lot of equipment out there that you don't necessarily need, but it can be a lot of fun to use.

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