Is an MRI harmful?

In medicine, there are different diagnostic procedures for representing the internal structures of the body. In addition to ultrasound, which works with sound waves, X-rays and computed tomography (CT), which generate images with X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) is a form of non-invasive diagnostics. The imaging takes place with the help of a strong magnetic field and Radio waves. According to studies, there are no risks for the patient from the magnetic field or from the radio waves. These act primarily on metals in or on the body, which is why they should usually be removed before an MRI imaging.

Is there radiation in an MRI?

In contrast to X-rays or computed tomography (CT), MRI imaging no radiation. The MRI works with the help of a strong magnetic field and radio waveswhich are consequently not harmful to the body and which are not felt by the patient during an examination. This is why the MRI (compared to other imaging methods) is one preferred form of examination, including in children and during pregnancy.

Can the strong magnetic field be harmful to me?

The strong magnetic field (magnetic field strengths up to 3 Tesla possible) is usually not harmful for the patient. It serves to align the atomic nuclei, which, depending on the type of tissue, return to their original position at different speeds. This process is not felt by humans and studies carried out show no risks for the patient.

However, the magnetic field acts on metalsthat are in the body (e.g. implants) or on the body (e.g. piercings, clothing, jewelry). Depending on the size, stability and location of the metals, the magnetic field can pose considerable risks for the patient.

You can find out more about the topic here: MRI and piercings

Attraction and movement are especially possible with small and unstable metallic structures. These can press on the surrounding tissue in the body and injure it. There is also the risk that implants will be removed from their position by the magnetic field and are no longer functional. Also one Removal of the magnetic effect of individual implants (e.g. many cochlear implants work with the help of magnets) is possible. Therefore should all metallic objects are removed or put down before an examination and possible risk factors are discussed with the attending physician in advance.

MRI during pregnancy - is the magnetic field harmful to my baby?

Previous studies have not shown any damage to mother or baby from the magnetic field. Nevertheless, the attending physician should Before MRI imaging in a pregnant woman, weigh the benefits and risks. For safety reasons, MRI imaging should be avoided if possible, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. In exceptional cases, imaging may be performed during the remainder of the pregnancy.

It should be noted that the administration of contrast media in the course of an MRI examination is not possible during pregnancy. The contrast media used can enter the embryo's bloodstream via the placenta. However, the resulting dangers for the embryo could not be proven by studies and investigations.

Is an MRI harmful if you want to have children?

An MRI scan does not damage egg cells or sperm. This is to be distinguished from an examination with X-rays (X-ray, CT), in which the development and maturation of the egg cells and sperm can be influenced by the radiation. The MRI is therefore not a contraindication for those wishing to have children.

Is an MRI harmful to sperm?

The investigation in MRI is not harmful to sperm. In contrast to X-rays and CT, which can lead to a disturbance of the development of the radiation-sensitive sperm due to the radiation exposure, the development and function of the sperm are not impaired by the magnetic field and the radio waves.

MRI side effects

Compared to other imaging methods that work with x-rays, an MRI exam persists no known side effects. In rare cases, Headache after an exam reported what but usually on Muscle tension from the long stay in the tube and not from the effects of the magnetic field or radio waves. Possible risks for patients due to metals or magnets in or on the body should be addressed prior to an examination. An MRI examination is sometimes not possible.

Side effects that occur are usually caused by the administration of a contrast medium. As a rule, stable gadolinium chelates are administered for this purpose; in rare cases, compounds containing iodine are also given. Although side effects from the contrast agent are rare, these are:

  • Temperature sensation disorders
  • Tingling sensation on the skin
  • a headache
  • nausea
  • general malaise


These symptoms however, they often do not take longer than a few hoursbecause the contrast medium is quickly excreted by the kidneys.

Further interesting information on this topic can be found at: What are the side effects of an MRI?

Does a headache after an MRI indicate brain damage?

Frequently, patients report headaches after an MRI scan. This can have several causes, but it is not due to damage to the brain during the examination.

Headache can occur as a possible side effect of the contrast agent administered. The contrast agent is eliminated from the body within a few hours, which is why the Headache usually no longer than two to three hours last for. Especially in kidney dysfunction (the contrast medium is eliminated from the body via the kidneys), the increased concentration of the contrast medium in the blood can lead to severe headaches.

Another cause of the headache can be the long stay in the tube. Depending on the exam, imaging can take up to an hour. The patient is not allowed to move. That can too Muscle tension in the neck area and thus lead to headaches.

How harmful is contrast agent in an MRI?

Depending on the question, the administration of a Contrast agent use during an MRI scan. Especially for better delimitation of structures with blood supply The contrast agent is used, which is usually injected into the elbow via an intravenous access.

Stable gadolinium chelates (complexes) are most frequently used as contrast media. Contrast media containing iodine, such as those administered in CT, are also rarely used. Side effects after administration of gadolinium chelates are rare. Patients report one general malaise, headache and nausea. Also one Temperature sensation disorder as well as a Tingling sensation on the skin are possible. However, these symptoms usually only last a few hours, as the contrast medium is quickly eliminated from the body by the kidneys. For this reason, the Kidney function should be examined prior to administration of the contrast agent. This can be done using the Creatinine value be assessed. Especially with heavier ones Kidney function damage has been due to the high gadolinium levels in the blood over the past few years occasionally a systemic skin disease (nephrogenic systemic fibrosis) observed.

With a planned administration of a iodinated contrast agent should be given a Examination of the thyroid respectively. An over- / underfunction can be assessed by determining the TSH value. With strong Hyperfunction there is a risk of transition into a thyrotoxic crisis due to the iodine-containing contrast agent.

Is an MRI harmful to a tattoo?

Individual tattoo inks can magnetically active ingredients (especially iron), which are influenced by the magnetic field of the MRI and can interfere with the image quality. In very rare cases, complications for the patient may occur - superficial ones Burns skin (first degree burns) may occur.

The investigation is however usually not harmful to the tattoo. Apart from slight burns in the area of ​​the tattoo, which will subside after a short time, there are no consequences for the tattoo to be feared. With the exception of freshly made tattoos. With these, the cell healing is not yet complete and so the colors of the tattoo can "run". Therefore iMRI imaging should be avoided if possible within the first six weeks after having a tattoo.