Renal pelvis


Latin: Pelvis renalis
Greek: Pyelon


The renal pelvis is located within the kidney and is the connection between the kidney and ureter. The renal pelvis is lined with mucous membrane. It is funnel-shaped expanded to the kidney calyx (Calices renalis). These calyxes include the kidney papillae. The renal papillae are bulges in the renal medulla into the renal pelvis. The kidney calyx can thus directly intercept the urine from the kidney papillae and convey it to the renal pelvis.


The kidney pelvis serves as a collecting basin for the urine produced in the kidney tissue. It forwards the urine directly into the ureter.

Read more on this topic: Function of the kidney or Functions of the kidney


Pelvic inflammation (Pyelonephritis):
Kidney inflammation is usually caused by a bacterial Causing infection. Usually it arises from an ascending infection from the bladder and the ureter, the bacteria rarely reach the renal pelvis via the bloodstream. Kidney stones, diabetes, Malformations and low fluid intake represent a risk for their development.
The patient usually has fever, Flank pain and painful or bloody urination.
The therapy consists of at least 10 days Administration of antibiotics.

Renal pelvic cancer (Renal pelvic cancer):
Renal pelvic carcinoma is a rare one more vicious Tumor of the renal pelvis, which is mainly older men concerns.

Renal pelvis stone:
It is a special form of kidney stones that are found in the kidney calyx or in the renal pelvis. They can grow so large that they fill the entire renal pelvis (Renal pelvic pouring stone).
These large pelvic kidney stones usually have to operational removed.

Illustration kidney and renal pelvis

Figure: Flat section through a right kidney from the front
  1. Renal cortex - Renal cortex
  2. Renal medulla (formed by the
    Kidney pyramids) -
    Medulla renalis
  3. Kidney bay (with filling fat) -
    Renal sinus
  4. Calyx - Calix renalis
  5. Renal pelvis - Pelvis renalis
  6. Ureter - Ureter
  7. Fiber capsule - Capsula fibrosa
  8. Kidney column - Columna renalis
  9. Renal artery - A. renalis
  10. Renal vein - V. renalis
  11. Renal papilla
    (Tip of the kidney pyramid) -
    Renal papilla
  12. Adrenal gland -
    Glandula suprarenalis
  13. Fat capsule - Capsula adiposa

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations

Figure renal pelvis
  1. Renal pelvis - Pelvis renalis
  2. Calyx - Calix renalis
  3. Renal papilla
    (Tip of the kidney pyramid) -
    Renal papilla
  4. Renal medulla (formed by the
    Kidney pyramids) -
    Medulla renalis
  5. Ureter - Ureter
  6. Kidney column (part of the
    Renal cortex between
    the kidney pyramids) -
    Columna renalis
  7. Renal cortex - Renal cortex
  8. Kidney bay (with filling fat) -
    Renal sinus
  9. Fiber capsule - Capsula fibrosa
  10. Renal artery - Renal artery
  11. Renal vein - Renal vein

You can find an overview of all Dr-Gumpert images at: medical illustrations