German term
Use of Spigelia for the following diseases in homeopathy
- Rheumatic inflammation am Heart
- Narrowing of the coronary arteries
- migraine
- Nerve irritation and inflammation, especially in the area of the Trigeminal nerve (Facial nerve)
- also known as wormers
Use of Spigelia for the following symptoms / complaints
- Pain occur suddenly and repeatedly
- are shooting in and extremely piercing
- Excitement and great fear
- Palpitations with stabbing pain at the apex of the heart and radiating to the left arm
- The remedy is very effective in acute inflammatory processes and rheumatic spreads that affect the heart
- Unilateral nerve pain, mainly affecting the left side of the body (but also right) in the area of the temple and eyes
- Rheumatic muscle and joint problems
The complaints rise and fall with the sun
aggravation by:
- Move
- noise
- contact
- Storm
and - Weather change
Active organs
- connective tissue
- skin
and - Mucous membranes
Usual dosage
- Drops of Spigelia D3, D4, D6
- Ampoules Spigelia D4, D6, D8
- Globules Spigelia D3, D4, D6, D12