Therapy for nausea

Therapy and treatment of nausea

If you feel sick (Nausea) the therapy is very diverse. Often it can be alleviated with simple natural remedies. A gentle gastrointestinal tea made from chamomile or peppermint is particularly helpful. Ginger drops also have a positive effect.

Drops made with extracts from Iberis amaris and celandine have also proven their worth. Other sufferers say that homeopathic remedies such as Nux vomica or Colchicum, Tabacum or Cocculus have a soothing effect on nausea or vomiting.

Read more on the topic: Low Blood Pressure And Nausea - You Can Do That!

Chemotherapeutic treated patients as well as others affected by nausea put z. T. also on the nausea-relieving effect of ginger. According to an American study at the University of Rochester in the state of New York it was shown in 644 cancer patients with three cytostatics each that the group with the ingestion of ginger up to 40 % fewer complaints (nausea and Vomit) had. The scientists believe that the anti-inflammatory effect of ginger is based on a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. In general, the specific therapy for nausea is based on the exact causes of the nausea.

For example, if the nausea is caused by nervousness, you can Relaxation exercises, Endurance sports or help rest. Is also the vomiting center of the Brain irritated, the nausea often disappears after vomiting because possible triggering substances are eliminated. Improves by taking these measures or following a temporary one diet the nausea can too Nausea medication, the so-called Antiemetics, are given. These include, for example, the H1 antihistamines (e.g. promethazine, meclozine, dimenhydrinate), which effectively suppress nausea, especially in the case of motion sickness, or the prokinetics (e.g. Metoclopramide), which promote gastric emptying.

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If the nausea is caused by acidification of the stomach, you can Antacids alleviate the discomfort. Is the nausea accompanying symptom of another illness such as one Gastrointestinal disease or infectious disease, targeted therapy for this underlying disease is required.

Instead of three over-abundant meals, there are several small meals with the Therapy of nausea recommendable. By stimulating the flow of saliva, e.g. B. by chewing pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, rusks, etc., nausea can also be dispelled. Essential oils such as bergamot, lemon, peppermint or tangerine are u. U. also effective against nausea.

At nausea and Vomit at travel sickness are in addition to dietary measures - light food, no alcohol, Coffee and nicotine etc. - a good, quiet choice of seats (e.g. on the plane near the wings, in the car on the front seats, on the ship on deck while simultaneously fixing a fixed point on the horizon with the eyes) is the order of the day eye and that Balance organ to reconcile reported movement. Have proven themselves Scopolamine-Plaster that is stuck behind the ear. It should be noted, however, that this is the Intraocular pressure increased and by patients with glaucoma for this reason may not be used. The patches require a prescription. The use of Antihistamines (e.g. Diphenhydramine) mainly serves to avoid nausea. These agents are available as chewing gum, tablets or suppositories. They must be taken before departure. Their effects last up to four hours. According to the Swiss Medical Forum, they dampen, so make you tired. Controlled exhalation can calm down nausea.

You can find more information on this topic here: Anti-vomiting medication

The breathing center is located in the brain in close proximity to the vomiting center in the elongated spinal cord, the Medulla Oblongata. The body can calm down by consciously exhaling and thus prevent or combat nausea. Light stroking of the affected person's face and neck also calm the brain stem. This method is particularly suitable for children.

When treating psychogenic nausea and vomiting, organic causes must first be ruled out. Intensive preoccupation with and dealing with those affected as well as dealing with the stressful situation are crucial for the success of the treatment.
The willingness of the patient to comply = cooperation of the person concerned in the therapy - is also important. More decisive than drug therapy are intensive occupation, medical empathy - this means identification and sympathy - long and open doctor-patient discussions and, as a result, joint development of a strategy.
The pressure on the patient that he puts on himself should be reduced or taken away, excessive expectations should be relativized. The stressful situations related to the job and personal relationships are approached openly and, ideally, dealt with.

Read more about this under Nausea medication