German term
quick lime
synonym: Causticum hahnemanni
Use of Causticum for the following diseases
- Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the area of the throat and larynx
- Incontinence
Use of Causticum for the following symptoms / complaints
- hoarseness
- cough
- cannot speak
- Functions of the bladder and rectum controlled by the nervous system
- Nocturnal wetting
- Loss of urine when coughing
- Paralysis of the bladder and rectum.
All symptoms are worse in the morning between 3 and 5 a.m.
Improvement by warming the bed, coughing better by cold drinking.
People with pale yellow appearance and an extremely keen sense of justice. Can't see anyone suffer!
Active organs
- Central nervesystem
- Mucous membrane of the throat and larynx
- annoy of the urinary bladder and rectum.
Usual dosage
- Drops D3, D4, D5, D6, D12
- Ampoules D4, D6, D12