Shingles on the stomach


Shingles on the abdomen is the reactivation of the chickenpox virus in the abdominal region. This is an inflammation of the nerves caused by viruses. Shingles can manifest itself on different parts of the body, but it often occurs on the abdomen. This means that the viruses that once caused chickenpox are now causing symptoms again, on the stomach. The discomfort and pain express themselves in this area. Certain spinal cord and cranial nerves are responsible for the skin of the abdomen, which is affected in an outbreak.

The reason for this is that the viruses spread along these nerve tracts. Usually they are in an inactivated form in a kind of collection point for nerve cell bodies. This node is known as ganglion. There they are monitored by the body's own defense cells. If the immune system is weak, they leave their ganglion. They attach to the nerves that supply the stomach. This way they get to the top layer of the abdominal skin. Before a rash becomes visible on the abdomen, most affected people already feel a pulsating and / or prick-like pain in the area. Usually only one half of the abdomen is affected.

Causes of shingles on the abdomen

The shingles on the stomach is caused by the chickenpox virus, which is also Varicella zoster virus is called caused. Once you have had chickenpox, these viruses stay in the body for life. Usually they rest in the body and do not cause discomfort. Under certain circumstances, however, they can cause pain and skin rashes on the stomach. This happens when the body's immune system is unable to control the viruses. If the immune system is weak, they can then cause the symptoms. Risk factors include old age, trauma, physical or psychological stress, drugs that weaken the immune system, immune deficiency, cancer, HIV infections and UV radiation. However, shingles on the abdomen can also occur in young and healthy people for unknown reasons.

More information can be found here: Causes of shingles

Diagnosis of shingles on the abdomen

A doctor first takes an anamnesis. This can be used to find out whether and when a chickenpox virus was experienced. In addition, the cause of the reactivation can be found out. The doctor looks at the abdominal area. Often, a medical history and a visual diagnosis are sufficient for the diagnosis if the rash is already present. The complaints before the rash on the abdomen can be misinterpreted as stomach problems, for example. However, if anything is unclear, laboratory tests are carried out. For this, blood is drawn and / or a smear is taken from the contents of the skin blisters. With certain methods you can get the Varicella zoster viruses prove. For example, here is a Antibody detection, a Immunofluorescence test or one Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) available. If no obvious causes can be found, it is important to observe whether this immune deficiency is permanent. It may have been caused by diseases that manifest themselves late in symptoms. This must be taken into account in the diagnosis. For example, cancer or HIV infection can lead to immune deficiencies that can cause shingles of the abdomen. Therefore, these diseases should be excluded through examinations in high-risk patients.

Accompanying symptoms of shingles on the abdomen

As side effects of shingles on the abdomen, fatigue, exhaustion and a general feeling of illness can also occur. In addition, fever and flu-like symptoms with limb pain and headache can develop. Also develop some kind of abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, or diarrhea. Especially on the days before the rash is visible on the abdomen, the accompanying symptoms can lead to a wrong diagnosis and incorrect (personal) treatments. Furthermore, in addition to the characteristic rash, patients may complain of itching. In some cases swelling of the stream skin, numbness of the abdomen and tingling of the abdominal skin can occur. In addition, pain to the touch and radiating pain can occur. These pains and abnormal sensations can appear to different degrees. In rare cases, the painful, half-sided skin rash also occurs on another part of the body. Both halves of the abdomen are very rarely affected.

More information can be found here: Shingles pain

Swelling on the abdomen

The inflammatory reactions in the body can cause swelling in the abdomen. The body's own defense system begins to defend itself against the reactivated viruses. Various cellular factors and messenger substances are released. One of the messenger substances is histamine. Among other things, it ensures that there is increased vascular permeability. This is important so that the immune cells can reach the damaged body cells. This increased vascular permeability can lead to swelling of the abdomen.

Shingles pain on the abdomen

The pain in the abdomen is often described as pulsating and / or stabbing and dull. Most of the time the pain is perceived as very strong. Often the pain is not only limited to the area of ​​the rash, but radiates into the surrounding unaffected skin areas of the abdomen.

More information can be found here: Shingles pain

Abdominal pain with shingles on the abdomen

Abdominal pain is common with shingles on the abdomen. They often occur a few days before the rash breaks out and during the illness. The abdominal pain is mostly localized in the upper abdomen below the costal arch. During the illness, the abdominal pain can also appear in combination with other gastrointestinal complaints. In some cases, the drugs used to treat shingles cause abdominal pain and gastrointestinal discomfort. In about 20% of people with shingles, abdominal pain can become a complication. In some cases this can lead to paralysis, for example of the face. Paralysis of the gastrointestinal tract is rather rare. These can lead to digestive disorders and bowel obstruction. In most cases, these complications can be prevented by a timely visit to the doctor.

Therapy of shingles on the abdomen

The treatment of shingles on the stomach consists on the one hand of symptomatic therapy against the pain and inflammatory reactions. On the other hand, the therapy usually includes antivirals. These are drugs that work against viruses. The active ingredients are used in tablet form or as an infusion, depending on the severity and individual circumstances. Active ingredients are acyclovir, bivudine, famciclovir and valaciclovir.

In general, the earlier the therapy starts, the better. In addition, the principle applies to antivirals: as much as necessary and as little as possible. Symptomatic treatments include desiccant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory ointments or tinctures and pain relievers. For example, zinc ointments, aloe vera and tea tree oil are used here. In some cases, cortisone is also used as an ointment or in tablet form. Ibuprofen, diclofenac or paracetamol can have a soothing effect to relieve pain. Early and adequate pain treatment plays a major role in shingles on the abdomen. However, if the pain is what is known as neuropathic pain, other drugs must be used. So-called co-analgesics often help. This means that these drugs actually have a different indication, but also have an analgesic effect. Certain anti-epileptic drugs such as pregabalin or gabapentin may be considered. But some antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, can also help relieve pain. These active ingredients are used because of their additional pain-relieving properties and not because of their antidepressant or anti-epileptic effects. Correspondingly, the dose is lower than the dose for its main indication. In some cases, tramadol is used to relieve so-called neuropathic pain. It's an opioid pain reliever. All symptomatic therapy drugs help relieve, but do not fight the cause. Certain antivirals are used to combat the viruses

More information can be found here: Medicines for shingles

Duration of shingles on the abdomen

From the appearance of the rash on the abdomen until it subsides, shingles on the abdomen usually takes between 2 - 4 weeks. Depending on the strength of the immune system and individual factors, the duration of the healing process may be longer.

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Complications of shingles on the abdomen

The symptoms of shingles on the abdomen usually subside after a few weeks without complications. However, complications can sometimes arise. If the blisters were scratched open during the illness, bleeding and melting can occur in these areas of the skin. Irreversible pigmentation disorders or scars can occur in these areas. In addition, a so-called post-therapeutic neuralgia arise. This is characterized by nerve pain and sensory disorders with numbness. This pain can arise immediately after the illness or weeks after the rash has subsided. If the immune system is weak or if you are older, a postherpetic neuralgia develop. This pain can become chronic.

More information can be found here:

  • Course of shingles
  • Post-zoster neuralgia

How contagious is shingles?

The contents of the fluid-filled vesicles in the rash on the abdomen are contagious. This means that only direct contact with this liquid is infectious. As a rule, only people who have not yet had chickenpox are at risk of being infected. That means only those people who do not already have the virus in them. In people who already have the virus in themselves, renewed contact can only trigger shingles in people who are immunocompromised.

More information can be found here: How contagious is shingles?