Home remedies for dark circles


Home remedies for treating unsightly dark circles

It is not always necessary to buy expensive creams or use treatments to treat dark circles. First, you can try to remove the dark circles with the help of classic home remedies. There are numerous different home remedies that are supposed to help against dark circles. Which of these works best, everyone has to try for themselves.

Tea / tea bags

Cold but still moist bags of black tea or chamomile tea can help against dark circles. To do this, draw two bags of the tea in hot water and then let them cool in the refrigerator. If the tea bags are cold, they can be placed on the closed eyes for 10 to 15 minutes. Instead of the cold tea bags, lukewarm ones can also be used. To do this, simply let the bags steep until they are only lukewarm.

The tea and its ingredients should soothe the eyes, the cold also helps to reduce puffiness. In principle, it doesn't matter which type of tea is used. Caffeinated teas, such as green or black tea, should also constrict the blood vessels due to their caffeine content, which should make the dark circles and bags under the eyes even smaller.

Milk and cottage cheese

To the milk To be able to apply it to the eye, a cotton pad is soaked in the milk and this is then placed on the eye for 10 minutes. The milk should make sure that Blood vessels and Lymphatic vessels contract and thereby reduce dark circles or bags under the eyes. Besides milk can also cold curd applied under the eyes, which can then act for up to half an hour. But do not apply the curd in the eye or on the upper eyelid. After that, the curd should be washed off with water. Out Cottage cheese and egg whites can also easily be a Eye mask produce. This should act until the mass has dried and then washed off with water.


Also a raw one Potato slice can help get rid of dark circles. The potato slices are placed on the closed eyes for 10 to 20 minutes. Alternatively, a grated potato, wrapped in a kitchen towel, can be placed on the eye. The one contained in the potato Strength should reduce the unsightly dark circles.

cold teaspoon, ice cubes, water

One teaspoon Put in the fridge or freezer and take out as soon as it's cold enough. Then place the teaspoon with the round side on the eye. Alternatively you can also Ice cubes, chilled /frozen Vegetables or special Eye cooling glassesthat can be bought. If you have to go fast in the morning, your face can help too cold water to wash off. The Blood vessels together, Swelling are softened and dark circles are less visible.

Cucumber slice

From one cucumber cut two slices and place them on the eyes for about 10 minutes. The cucumber should best come out of the fridge or alternatively the cucumber slices should be placed in the fridge until they are cold before use. Donate the cucumber slices humidity and help with the cold at the same time against the puffiness of the eyes.

almond oil

Few drops almond oil Apply to the dark circles and massage gently into the skin, preferably leave it on overnight and repeat several days a week. It is important to use this method over several weeks. The almond oil is supposed to Skin firmer hold and help against the dark circles. The massage also promotes drainage via the lymph vessels.

less salt in food

If too high Salt use the body tends to Water retentionwhich can also be noticeable in puffy eyes, bags under the eyes or dark circles under the eyes. It can therefore help to reduce the salt content in food and no longer salt every dish.

Cover bags under the eyes

Under Bags under the eyes one understands Swelling of the lower eyelids. In addition to the home remedies described above, which can also be used against bags under the eyes, a cover is also included Make up possible to conceal this. So that the bags under the eyes are completely covered, it is important to know the correct make-up technique. If this does not work by itself, a beautician can be asked for tips. The make-up should always be pounded in and not just rubbed in to remove the Blood circulation stimulate at the same time.

For dark circles, the Concealer (Concealer) be one tone lighter than your own natural skin tone. In the case of swellings, such as bags under the eyes, on the other hand, a dark color is important in order to cover the swelling and make it look lower. The swelling then looks smaller. Against Redness A shade of green can also help, matting the redness. For dark circles under the eyes, on the other hand, a yellowish make-up tone makes sense.

Further measures

Should the dark circles not disappear or even get worse despite all the measures taken, a clarification should be given doctor to be visited. Because the sudden appearance of dark circles can also hide a disease. The above home remedies should help against stressed and tired eyes, as well as enough sleep and Move in the fresh air. It is also important to drink a lot because the body lacks liquid, it can also lead to the formation of unsightly dark circles.