Racing heart at night


Palpitations is a slang term for a heartbeat that is too fast (Tachycardia), which is sometimes associated with a stronger heart contraction than normal. The heart then literally beats to the neck.
It is not uncommon for a palpitations to occur at night, and many people only report the problem at night.

Is that dangerous?

The symptom palpitations are often of harmless origin and occur with increased excitement, tension or joy.
Sometimes, however, serious medical causes are hidden behind the palpitations.
If there are other symptoms in addition to the palpitations, such as shortness of breath, chest pain that radiates into the left shoulder / arm, it can be a serious illness such as a heart attack.
If you suddenly experience a rapid heartbeat at night and / or if any of these accompanying symptoms are present, you should seek medical attention immediately.
Read here on the topic Signs of a heart attack.

Palpitations at night, however, do not necessarily represent an acute danger.
If the symptoms occur repeatedly, persist over a longer period of time and do not go away on their own, or if the accompanying symptoms described above also occur, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Palpitations are divided into supraventricular and ventricular racing heart, which describes the place of origin. Supraventricular racing occurs in the auricles and ventricular in the ventricles. Most of the causes of palpitations lie supraventricular.
Ventricular tachycardia, on the other hand, is a medical emergency and must be treated immediately.
Read more on the subject at: Racing heart


The causes for palpitations at night are varied and not always immediately recognizable.

In the most cases are causes without structural or functional heart disease in the foreground. The most common and also the most harmless causes that lead to palpitations at night are shown below.


Stress is a phenomenon that right on the heart work and not only cause psychological problems.

Among other things, stress can do so also for palpitationsthat occurs mainly at night. If the person is stressed, this leads to increased activity of a special, autonomous part of the nervous system, the sympathetic nervous system.
From an evolutionary point of view, it was its job to be in dangerous situations increased muscle tone, increased Blood circulation and to ensure better breathing.

This is also noticeable today, the stress is triggered by pressure to perform, tests and all kinds of fear.
Through the Release of adrenaline the heart develops a racing heart.

But also positive stress how anticipation for something or being in love can trigger a racing heart.

Preferably at night If stress-related palpitations occur because the body then to rest comes and you didn't have the opportunity to think about upcoming situations during the day. This type of heart is racing mostly harmless.

More information can be found here: Racing heart caused by stress


Alcohol shows its effects in many places in the body. In addition to its well-known effects, alcohol can also cause palpitations at night. This phenomenon is so noticeable that it got the name Holiday Heart Syndrome got.

For example, some, especially young people, are prone to having palpitations at night after consuming alcohol.
Typically after a long night of partying or other situations in which excessive alcohol has been drunk, the heart starts beating faster a few hours afterwards, with a rapid heart rate at night.

Behind this is atrial fibrillation triggered by the alcohol. Usually the atria of the heart first contract, followed by the ventricles after a certain delay.
The electrical excitation that comes from the atrium is passed on by the so-called AV node.

However, if atrial fibrillation does occur, the node cannot filter out all excitation, so that the chambers contract too quickly, which manifests itself as a palpitations.

Atrial fibrillation triggered by alcohol is mostly limited to at night and is self-limiting. However, you should urgently question your drinking habits, and every new atrial fibrillation should be clarified.

Read more on the topic: Racing heart after alcohol.

Palpitations during pregnancy

Another cause of palpitations, which preferentially occurs at night, can be pregnancy. It can be during pregnancy also during the day palpitations as the child's circulation is expanded and more blood is pumped around the body.

Palpitations occur much more frequently at night, which is mainly due to the lying position. Pregnancy can lead to Compression of large vessels come in the abdomen and pelvic area so that less blood flows back to the heart. However, in order to maintain blood pressure, the heart has to beat faster, which is felt as a racing heart.

If this occurs frequently at night or if there are additional symptoms, it is advisable to see a doctor. Furthermore, the sometimes enormous stress of pregnancy causes palpitations at night.


As Menopause or climacteric is the term for the years immediately before and after the woman's last menstrual period. During this time there is a change from the feminine Hormonal balance instead, which is often associated with different physical complaints. There is a slow cessation of hormone production by the ovaries. The main hormonal change in climacteric is the decrease in Estrogen levels. The female sex hormone regulates the sexually mature woman Menstrual cycle and has an influence on other body functions. During the menopause, so-called climacteric complaints can occur, which in medicine come under the collective term "Climacteric syndrome" be summarized.

The most common symptoms during menopause are Hot flashes and Sweats, Palpitations, sleep disorders and lack of libido. Often, the vaginal mucosa is dry, which can lead to pain during sexual intercourse and promote infections. During the menopause, palpitations at night are a common complaint and in most cases are not a cause for concern. Menopause can occur during the day or at night, although more often at night it is reported.


The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that lies beneath the larynx in front of the windpipe in humans. Among other things, it is responsible for the formation of thyroid hormones Triiodothyronine and Thyroxine responsible. These iodine-containing hormones are of great importance for the energy balance of the organism. Triiodothyronine and thyroxine have a stimulating effect on the Heart rate, can lead to an increase in blood pressure and cause blood vessels in the skin to widen. They increase the body's energy expenditure by increasing metabolic activity, increasing the activity of the sebum and sweat glands and increasing the activity of the intestine.

Various thyroid diseases can lead to disruption of hormone metabolism. If too many thyroid hormones are produced as part of such a disorder, it is called one Hyperthyroidism, in medical terminology Hyperthyroidism called. Hyperthyroidism can lead to palpitations, attacks of blood pressure, reddening of the skin, restlessness, restlessness and sleep disorders come. The stool frequency is increased and weight loss is possible despite increased food intake. Hair and skin sometimes appear greasy, those affected sweat more easily and tolerate warm room temperatures more poorly.

Read more about the topic here: Hyperthyroidism

Psychiatric syndromes are even less common. A racing heart at night can indicate an overactive thyroid, especially if accompanied by some of the above symptoms. The family doctor can do a blood test to determine whether the thyroid gland is overactive. The most common causes of an overactive thyroid are autoimmune disease Graves disease and the so-called Thyroid autonomy. With the latter, the production of thyroid hormones is decoupled from higher-level control loops. Thyroid autonomy is mostly based on an iodine deficiency.

Low blood pressure

Of a decreased blood pressure one speaks when the upper value of the blood pressure measurement falls below 110 mmHg. One does not necessarily speak of a disease here, since slightly lowered blood pressure values ​​are considered to be gentle on the vascular system. The body adapts itself over the State of tension the muscles of the blood vessel wall to lower blood pressure values ​​so that they usually go unnoticed. The heart rate is included mostly normal. Only when there is a rapid drop in blood pressure, for example when getting up quickly, does the body reflexively increase the heart rate. The affected person can feel this as a racing heart. Occasionally, other symptoms such as dizziness or nausea on.


According to many personal reports, heart palpitations occur more frequently when lying down, especially at night.

One of the possible causes is Redistribution processes of blood around the body during changes in position from standing to lying.

Most people also observe that palpitations become noticeable when one retires, even when lying down. This can psychosomatic from stress be caused hormonal causes during menopause or have one organic cause.

Pregnant women have significantly more problems lying on their backs. Palpitations that occur at night while lying down should, however disappear again after a short time.

Structural or functional causes

In addition to the causes described so far, there are also a number of structural or functional errors heart, which can trigger palpitations at night.

In the normal state, an excitation arises at the sinus node in the atria, this contract, whereupon the stimulus is transferred to the heart chambers via the AV node.

In some cases, there are additional conduction pathways that are regulated Confuse heart action. The most common syndrome of this type is AV nodal reentry tachycardia (AVNRT), in which a stimulus is passed back and forth between the atria and ventricles in a kind of loop, which can result in frequencies of up to over 200 beats per minute.

WPW syndrome

This offers a similar picture Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW syndrome), in which an additional conduction path connects atria and ventricles in a similar way. In addition, all possible diseases of the heart muscle or the heart valves can be the cause of a palpitations occurring at night, as well as a narrowing of the coronary arteries supplying the heart. Atrial fibrillation is a relatively common cause of palpitations. There are causes outside of the heart as well. An overactive thyroid, hypoglycaemia and, above all, psychological problems can be causes of palpitations that occur at night.

You might also be interested in: WPW syndrome


Racing heart at night makes its way through a Set of symptoms noticeable.

Usually the heart starts racing seizure and stays for 20-30 seconds exist, sometimes the duration is included few minutes.
If it doesn't limit itself after a short time, one should quick medical evaluation respectively.

The racing heart itself is called throbbing and knocking The heartbeat is sometimes felt in the chest or neck.

Palpitations at night often ensure that those affected wake up. Depending on the duration and severity, symptoms such as nausea, sweating, Hot flashes and nervousness added.

In severe cases there may be shortness of breath and Clouding of consciousness occur.
Then a visit to the doctor for clarification unavoidable, especially when Pain to be added.

Racing heart and nausea

May palpitations can also be accompanied by nausea. Nausea is caused by the complex interconnection of the nerve cordsthat go away from the heart. It can be an expression of a serious heart disease, but is usually considered to be harmless side effect. The nausea occurs mainly when the heart is racing at the beginning of the attacks on. Also at through stress or fear a triggered palpitations, nausea is not uncommon. However, this usually does not turn into vomiting, but is limited to one queasy, bad feeling in the epigastric region.

Palpitations and shortness of breath

A racing heart, especially at night, as the only symptom is unpleasant and can be very worrying. In many cases it is the cause harmless. However, if certain other symptoms occur, a doctor should be consulted urgently in order to rule out a potentially serious illness. This primarily includes the Shortness of breath. If palpitations and shortness of breath, possibly in connection with chest pain, occur together and suddenly, it may be one Heart attackwhich can be potentially fatal.

Especially if the symptoms occur at night and during rest, they are worrying. It must be prompt Ambulance service and Emergency doctor alerted who consider the need for hospital treatment. If shortness of breath and palpitations occur over a longer period of time and preferably during exercise, this can also be due to a Heart disease indicate. Here, too, a doctor should be consulted in good time in order to stop the progression of the disease as early as possible.

Racing heart and sweating

As already made clear in the previous sections, kick Racing heart and sweating in certain circumstances. In the case of an overactive thyroid, for example, there is an increased release of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine, which increase the organism's basal metabolic rate. This leads to an increase in Heart rate, Blood pressure and Sweat secretion to lead. Seizure-like palpitations and sweating, combined with restlessness and heat intolerance, can indicate an overactive thyroid, known as hyperthyroidism.

Read more about the topic here: Overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism)

Also in the Menopause Sudden sweats and a racing heart can occur. Here the symptoms are an expression of the hormonal changes to which the female organism is subjected during the transition into menopause. Psychosomatic illnesses are diseases in which organic causes for physical complaints cannot be determined. Certain symptoms occur here in the context of mental coping Stressors on. In addition to abdominal pain, nausea, indigestion and headaches, those affected often complain of palpitations and sweats.

These symptoms tend to occur when confronted with acute stressful situations such as during exams, when speaking in front of large groups of people or completely unfounded in the context of Panic attacks on. You can become a pronounced Avoidance behavior in which those affected increasingly withdraw and do everything possible to avoid the fear-inducing situation. Sweating and racing heart can be considered side effect numerous drugs or their overdose occur. Read the package insert or ask your doctor. Even when consuming stimulants Drugs, which include amphetamines, for example, can lead to a massive increase in heart rate and sweat secretion. Occasionally, other symptoms such as disorientation, anxiety or extreme euphoria occur.


Most important and most effective element of the Diagnosis of racing heartthat occurs at night is one exact inquiry the complaints (anamnesis).

This includes information such as: When did the palpitations occur first? How long does it usually take? Which accompanying symptoms occur? There may be triggering factors? Are you currently suffering from great stress? complain relative over a similar problem?
Questions about stimulants such as alcohol, nicotine and other substances complement the survey.

The doctor can do this further investigations connect, with the electrocardiogram (EKG), which depicts the heart's action, playing the main role.

This makes the most sense as a long-term ECG in order to be able to record the processes in the heart and the racing heart even at night. In addition, a Exercise ECG prepared.

An ultrasound of the heart can reveal causes such as valve defects.

Usually a chest x-ray is also part of the routine for a racing heart Long-term blood pressure measurement can make sense.

Beyond that other causes like a thyroid problem by the Examination of certain blood values locked out.

If you suspect superficial psychological causes there may be a Transfer to a psychotherapist who can work out a detailed analysis of factors such as stress or anxiety.


The therapy of palpitations at night is directed after the cause.

First, offer yourself simple measuresthat can be carried out by the person concerned. These are described below.

Move with severe complaints or organic causes medical measures in the foreground.
Drugs of the class of Antiarrhythmics is usually the means of choice. You can the Heart rate with racing heart to reduce or prevent it from occurring.
These include e.g. Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers or also sodium or potassium channel blockers.

Exist additional ducts (see above), these can be achieved with the targeted use of electricity desolate and so be made unusable.
The last step is to implant a pacemaker.

Often there are such measures with simple palpitations however not necessary. Sufferers often wonder whether one can fight the racing heart do something yourself can.
At slight discomfortIf the racing heart only lasts a few seconds or a few minutes at night without serious symptoms, there are a number of measures that can be taken.

Special maneuvers stimulate the part of the nervous system that is responsible for the Slow heartbeat responsible is the parasympathetic nervous system (more precisely the vagus nerve).
One simple measure is the Massage the neck lightly on one side.
This stimulates the so-called carotid sinus, the pulse and contraction force decrease as a reflex.
You should only lying down or sitting do.

A Glass of cold water drinking has similar effects.

Furthermore you can Valsalva press maneuver carry out. With closed nose if you breathe in against the resistance, what to increased pressure in the chest leads and reflexively slows the heart down.

Also with more targeted and deeper breathing can you do something about the racing heart? All of these maneuvers are quick and easy to perform at night.

What should also be done is this Reduction of stress.
Relaxation techniques and a targeted planning of tasks.
In addition, you are allowed to sometimes say nowhen you can no longer meet certain requirements.

In order to sleep better at night and to prevent a racing heart, you can use valerian drops and Exercise in the fresh air help.

If the complaints go beyond a certain level, do not master with these methods lets is that Go to the doctor the only thing to do.

Homeopathy for palpitations

If the heart beats at night, treatment with Means of Homeopathy make sense.

You should only limit yourself to homeopathy if it is slight discomfort acts.

Often used means are e.g. Crataegus or Aconitum.
These are used to regulate the heart and blood pressure.

Adonis vernalis is also used in homeopathy against palpitations at night, and it also works against an overactive thyroid.

These remedies can also be taken by laypeople, although one professional homeopathic advice the best way is if you want to fight the racing heart with homeopathy first.
In many cases, homeopathy is also used in addition to other measures to aid recovery.

One suffers from clear complaints, however, should in any case the conventional medical one Cardiologist's opinion be obtained.


In the most cases stuck behind a racing heart at night harmless causes, the one good prognosis and do not cause long-term discomfort.

Still should with persistent complaints a diagnosis should be carried out to identify more serious causes.
Here the symptoms can usually also be controlled with medication and sometimes invasive measures.

In a few cases, the racing heart is due to a serious heart disease that can significantly worsen the prognosis.


As a preventive measure against palpitations, which occurs especially at night, you can do more or less depending on the cause.

Relaxation techniques, autogenic training and self-reflection help with stress.

Decreased consumption of alcohol can prevent the heart racing at night.

During pregnancy, it usually helps to recover do not lie flat on your back, but (left) sideways.

Lie structural causes before, prophylaxis against the racing heart is difficult and often only possible with medication, but one can healthy lifestyle with good nutrition, Quit smoking and lots of movement lower the general risk of heart disease.