

Lorano® contains the active ingredient loratadine and is used as an antiallergic agent.

Lorano® is an antiallergic from the class of antihistamines. It contains the active ingredient loratadine, which binds to histamine receptors, and is mainly used for allergic rhinitis such as hay fever or pollen allergies.


Histamine is the body's own histamine. After its formation from the amino acid histidine, it unfolds its effect in many places in the body. It stimulates the secretion of gastric acid on the cells of the gastric mucosa in the stomach. The bronchi react to histamine with a contraction of their muscles, the blood vessels, however, with muscle relaxation and increased wall permeability. The brain reacts to histamine with increased alertness and increased alertness, since histamine there acts as a nerve transmitter (Neurotransmitters) functions and the connection between individual nerve cell ends (Synapses) manufactures.

In order to trigger these effects, the messenger substance binds to two different receptors. These are specialized molecules on or in cells that trigger a further chain of reactions when a stimulus is triggered. The receptors that respond most strongly to histamine are called H1 and H2 receptors, and there is also an H3 receptor on nerve cells. If histamine binds to its receptors, many more are triggered in addition to the effects mentioned, since receptors for histamine are almost everywhere in the body. Histamine also plays an important role in allergic reactions. That is why histamine and its sites of action are crucial points of attack in the treatment of acute allergies.

Further information is available from:

  • histamine
  • Antihistamines

Active ingredient loratadine

Of the Active ingredient of Lorano®, the Loratadine, is a Antihistamine of the second generation. Antihistamines are substances that the Docking points (Receptors) for histamine block and thus prevent the transmitter substance from developing its specific effects. The first generation these active ingredients not only bind to histamine receptors, but also at docking points for other substances and call through it more side effects emerged. First generation antihistamines can be used in the Central nervous system arrive and their Make an impact. Result from it Fatigue, drowsiness and impaired driving ability. Antihistamines were used to deal with these side effects second generation developed. Although these also reach the central nervous system, they can be removed from there by internal mechanisms, so that the Side effects the first generation do not occur.

Areas of application

Lorano® is above all with allergic rhinitis such as hay fever used. Here soothes it complaints like for example swollen nasal mucous membranes, one runny nose and Itching of the eyes. Also with the Hives (Urticaria), one allergic reaction of the skin to food or contact allergens, Lorano® can die complaints like itchy, swollen areas of skin (Wheals) mitigate. Furthermore, antihistamines of the second generation, such as Lorano®, can be used for Treatment of stomach ulcers (Ulcers) serve as they are the Inhibit acid production in the stomach and thus prevent further ulcers from forming.

Application and dosage

Lorano® is called tablet sold and belongs to the pharmacy-only drugs. If you plan to take Lorano®, you should get the dosage because of one Consult a doctor or pharmacist to avoid wrong intake. For Adults is the normal dose one tablet a day, For children the standard dose is one Body weight from 30 kg also at one tablet a day. Children, the under 30 kg should weigh only one half a tablet daily take in. The drug can regardless of time of day and meals be taken. However, some patients report one delayed onset of action when taking Lorano® with simultaneous food intake. Treatments with Lorano® should continued for so long be like the Doctor has prescribed or until the symptoms subside. At forgetting to take or taking too many tablets should prompt one Ask a doctor or pharmacist for advice become.

Side effects

Although Lorano® is a second generation antihistamine fewer side effects than the active ingredients of the first generation, it can still lead to impairments. Also side effects that should actually be avoided, such as Fatigue and exhaustion come right frequently in front. a headache, nervousness and sleep disorders can occur exactly as Loss of appetite.

If you take a drug, there is always the risk that you will lose the active ingredient not tolerate and is allergic. Symptoms allergic reactions to medication range from nausea and dizziness until the allergic shock Cardiovascular failurebut are very rare.
If you are unsure whether you can tolerate Lorano®, it is advisable to consult a doctor and clarify the planned medication. If necessary, a Allergy test Provide information about the tolerability of the drug.


Taking Lorano® and simultaneous use of other drugs can lead to the Active ingredient level from Lorano® increases in blood. Appropriate drugs are for example Antibiotics or Antifungal drugs (Anti-fungal agent).
In order to avoid interactions, it is therefore also useful to to consult with a doctor, if you plan to take Lorano® and take other medication at the same time.

Lorano during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Lorano® should not be taken during pregnancy unless prescribed by the attending physician.

Lorano® should also not be taken during breastfeeding, as the active ingredient can easily get into breast milk.

In general, you should be careful with taking medication during pregnancy, and it is best to clarify any medication with your doctor, even if it is over-the-counter medication.

There is always the risk that the active ingredients of the medication get into the child's blood and thus into the child's body, where in the worst case they could negatively affect the child's development and health.

Read more on the topic: Medication during pregnancy