Stomach pain - what to do

A hot water bottle can help with mild stomach pain.

As stomach pain become colloquial Pain in the left middle and upper abdomen designated. The cause of this pain may or may not be im stomach lie. Most of the times you have stomach pain no clear cause and are already improving by resting and putting on a hot water bottle.

Also drinking, for example Fennel or anise tea can help calm the stomach. The drugs MCP and Buscopan can also relieve stomach pain, due to possible side effects and interactions with other drugs, this is recommended advise in the pharmacy allow.


Those who suffer from stomach pains frequently should go for one balanced nutrition respect, think highly of. It should not too much to be eaten and above all not too greasy. Also spicy foods should be avoided. Overall should easily digestible foods are preferred and flatulent foods tend to be reduced become. There Alcohol, coffee and smoking the Gastric mucosa damage should be avoided as far as possible. There too Stomach pain from stress Should arise for meals Give your time and enjoy the food.

When to the doctor

As most of the stomach pains the harmless variant are part of the occasional occurrence nothing against self-medication.

At prolonged abdominal pain, i.e. abdominal pain lasting several days or recurring, you should consult a doctor. Also at particularly severe complaintshow massive Convulsions or if they occur together with other symptoms, such as nausea, Vomit, Fatigue or loss of appetite, a doctor should be consulted to further clarify the symptoms. One at the same time present aversion to meat or other foods should also be discussed with a doctor.

Causal therapy

Further therapy for stomach pain should be based on the cause of the discomfort respectively.

Will the stomach ache accompanied by diarrhea and vomitingso is the presence of a infection (for example through Noroviruses) to assume. Since the body loses fluids and electrolytes in the process, it is important to get them in. Possible measures are Drinking mineral water, tea and brothIn addition, you can buy drinking solutions in the pharmacy that are specially adapted to the needs of the body. The complaints shouldn't improve within 48 hours or for example Blood in the stool attract a doctor immediately.

Lying next to stomach pain Feeling of fullness, loss of appetite, and vomiting before, it may be that a Inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis) is present. This can have various causes, the most common being caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. If this is the cause of stomach pain, it must be Antibiotic therapy in combination with taking a Gastric protection (Proton pump inhibitor) respectively. Also taking certain medications, such as aspirin or Ibuprofen can cause inflammation of the stomach lining, as it damages the protective layer of the stomach. Because of this, the frequent use of this medication should be always accompanied by the intake of stomach protection tablets become.

Also a Stomach or intestinal ulcer (Ulcer), i.e. injuries in the respective wall, can lead to abdominal pain. Most often it is in the Duodenum and expresses itself through Fasting pain, i.e. before meals, as well as late in the evening and at night. Often there is one through eating Improvement in pain.
A stomach ulcer usually manifests itself as pain immediately after eating or completely independent of meals. The most common cause of stomach and intestinal ulcers is Helicobacter pylori, which then, as in the case of gastritis caused by the bacterium, by a Antibiotic therapy is treated in combination with a stomach protector. The second most common cause is certain drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), such as ibuprofen. The ulcers that develop in this way are often not expressed as pain, but rather by Bleeding. An ulcer from another cause can also bleed. In the case of bleeding ulcers, bleeding is attempted first breastfeeding as part of a gastrointestinal endoscopy, this is not possible or is already a Breakthrough the wall (perforation), an operation must be carried out.

For mild stomach pain, without any serious cause, home remedies ( Home remedies for stomach pain) can be used to alleviate the symptoms.
It is generally important, both for prevention and as part of treatment, that Smoking, consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, as well as stress reduced and that with long-term use stomach-damaging drugs attention is paid to the use of stomach protection.

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Diseases from food

Kick the stomach ache a few hours after a meal up and they are accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, can also be a Food poisoning Be cause. The character of abdominal pain is often convulsive, usually affects several people. Food poisoning is caused by Toxins, by bacteria to be produced. Typical foods affected are Meat, fish and eggs. As with an infection, the Supply of water and salts Care should be taken as they are lost through vomiting and diarrhea. Preventive measures should generally be based on a adequate food hygiene Care must be taken, as well as eating food as soon as possible after preparation.

Do the abdominal pain always arise in Associated with the consumption of certain foods, so can a Food intolerance cause this. Often it is Lactose intolerance, in which after the Enjoyment of dairy products to abdominal pain, diarrhea and Flatulence comes. At a Fructose intolerance the same symptoms occur after consumption of fructose. This can be proven by special testsTherapy is to avoid these foods. If, on the other hand, there is an allergy to certain foods, they usually are too skin and affects the airways. Often it comes to Itching and furry feeling in the mouth area.

Can be another cause of stomach pain Reflux be. Different causes lead to Backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus and run through the Irritation of the mucous membranes to a burning sensation. Abdominal pain and difficulty swallowing can also occur. The problems are mostly aggravated when lying down and can go through Ingestion of certain foods (Fruit juices, hot drinks, alcohol) are provoked. About are affected 10-20% of the population, the therapy consists primarily in the reduction of risk factors: Weight reduction, low-fat food, constricting clothing, as well as chocolate, smoking, alcohol and coffee. Depending on the stage and frequency of symptoms, the intake may be gastro-protective drugs (e.g. proton pump inhibitors) should be considered. Is the disease conservative (Reduction of risk factors and taking medication) not treatable, must have a Surgery considered become.