Protein shakes


Most proteins used as dietary supplements can be taken in the form of shakes.

Anyone who makes progress in sport or, above all, who wants to build muscles will not reach their goal only with a sophisticated training plan. A suitable diet must be put together for training. Diets high in protein can also help you try to lose weight. Proteins also play a key role in the transport of metabolic products and nutrients in the bloodstream. They are also involved in the defense against infection and in the formation of enzymes and hormones.
Protein shakes are not only an increasingly popular dietary supplement, they also belong in every training plan. The basis is a protein powder that is available in many different flavors, which is poured with milk and shaken well.

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Kinds of Different Protein Powders

When choosing the right protein shake, however, you should pay close attention to the ingredients. In the now large assortment of protein or protein shakes, there are a few little things that you should consider depending on your own goals.
If you want to lose weight with protein shakes, you should make sure that the shake you choose does not contain too many carbohydrates, as these should be severely restricted if you are aiming for weight loss. Some shakes have more carbohydrates, others almost do without. The Diet Shake from Doppelherz® is a good shake for losing weight that serves as a meal replacement.

In addition to protein and carbohydrates, all protein shakes actually contain other minerals and vitamins. The basis of the shakes, however, is always a protein powder, which can be made from whey protein powder, milk protein powder, egg white protein powder, soy protein powder, rice protein powder or multi-component protein powder.
The different powders are measured by their biological value. The biological value indicates how many grams of body protein, for example in the form of muscle mass, can be formed from 100 grams of the protein powder. It can happen that more than 100 grams of muscle mass are formed from 100 grams of a protein powder, whereby the similarity of the powder supplied to the body's own proteins plays an important role. One can also read something about the quality of the proteins from the biological value.

The whey protein powder has the highest biological value (104) of a pure protein powder. The protein content of whey protein powder is between 75 and 96% in dry matter, depending on the production. This value can only be surpassed by a protein mixture.

More on this: Protein powder

The Milk protein powder owns with 77 has a lower value than whey protein powder and is a main component of milk proteins with around 80 percent protein. People with a Lactose intolerance However, you should be careful here, as milk protein powder can lead to digestive problems.

Egg white protein powder often has one bitter aftertaste and is therefore more likely to be in Capsule shape and not offered as a protein shake. The biological value is included 100 and because it is lactose-free, it can also be used by people with lactose intolerance.

Soy protein powder is for people with increased cholesterol very suitable as it does without cholesterol. A study showed that yes 25 grams of soy protein a day the Cholesterol levels and the associated risk of cardiovascular disease significantly lower can.

Rice protein powder is an alternative for all those who have a milk, soy or egg protein allergy. The biological value of the rice protein powder is with 81 slightly higher than that of milk protein powder. Also, rice protein powder is good for the gastrointestinal tract because it is very good easily digestible is.

In addition to the pure protein powders presented, there are also protein powder mixtures that Multi-component protein powder. It consists of at least two varieties, but can also be mixed from many different protein powders.
Due to the many different supplement options, a higher quality can be achieved with the right mixing ratio than with the pure protein powders. Other effects, such as a positive influence on the absorption time (time interval after the substances have been absorbed into the bloodstream via food through the intestines) can occur.

Areas of application

The presented protein powders from which protein shakes are mixed are among the Nutritional supplements and do not fall under the doping law. you are legal and serve as a supplement to normal nutrition. in the competitive sport Dietary supplements like protein shakes are commonplace. in the Recreational and popular sports Protein shakes are now also part of the common training plan. But do recreational and amateur athletes even need this nutritional supplement for their training?

What is certain is that Musculature is used in training and for regeneration, as well as for the construction protein required by new muscles. This protein, supplied in the form of protein shakes during or after a training session, supports regeneration and muscle building. A protein shake also works very filling and offers the opportunity to be To reduce weight permanently and hold.

Opinions differ greatly when it comes to the dosage of the amount of protein in food. The amount of protein that a person should consume during the day Grams per kg of body weight per day shown. For one average active people this amount is included 1.2-1.8 grams per kg per day. athlete can expect a minimally increased value, i.e. approx two grams per kg of body weight per day. Particularly in the area of ​​strength training and bodybuilding, values ​​of up to three grams per kg of body weight per day are in circulation. This approach should not be adopted as it is. With two grams per kg of body weight a day, every athlete in every discipline should be adequately supplied with protein.
Excess Supplied protein through consuming too much protein shakes can lead to physical discomfort and possibly even Long-term damage to lead. The The kidneys and liver are more stressedt and it can be a Lack of vitamins and minerals occur. Here you should proceed according to the motto: "A lot doesn't always help a lot" and eat a balanced diet.

Directions for use

If you have decided to supplement your diet with protein shakes, the question still arises whether you can take the shakes when you want or whether a sensibly distributed intake can achieve better results.

A distinction is made between the various protein powders, as presented above. Thereby the vegetable based obtained protein powder (rice protein powder, soy protein powder). A plant-based protein shake should right after a workout because these shakes are especially good for the Muscle building and the regeneration after a training session and are therefore particularly effective after training.

So-called Whey proteins (e.g. rice protein powder) should also be preferred immediately after to take part in the training. This powder is one of the most popular and is a so-called fast-released protein; this means that it is digested quickly and absorbed directly into the muscles. There it can be with the regeneration and the Muscle building help. Another benefit of proteins Grain base is that she is one high value of essential amino acids and therefore immediately after training Prevent the breakdown of muscle protein can.

The protein powder that is on Dairy products should be based mainly before sleep going to be taken. You are just very slow to digest, are gradually transferred into the bloodstream and broken down over a long period of time. Immediately after a workout, it would take too much time for the proteins to reach the muscles, so it is better to have this type of protein shake before bed.


Protein shakes are not just a dietary supplement in the case of deficiency symptoms, but they are mainly sold, marketed and consumed in the fitness industry. When taking it, one should focus on the Base of the protein shake, of one good quality Be convinced not to use cheap products Time of ingestion adapt to the requirements and training goals or the application goals.
Pay attention to this not too much protein in the form of protein shakes, as this could lead to health problems. With regular exercise, an intake of 2 grams of protein per kg of body weight per day completely adequate.
So that the palate gets its money's worth, there are now many different flavors, so everyone should find their favorite taste quickly. Protein shakes are not a panacea for losing weight and building muscles, but they can be useful for athletes Supplement to a balanced diet serve and thus make a contribution to increasing performance.

Further information

For more information on protein shakes, visit:

  • Supplements
  • protein
  • Foods Containing Protein - These Are The Most Important!
  • nutrition
  • Diet and exercise
  • Diet and muscle building
  • Wholesome nutrition
  • Vitamins
  • L-carnitine intake
  • carbohydrates
  • amino acids
  • Food supplements
  • Muscle building
  • Muscle building and nutrition
  • Proteins for building muscle
  • Creatine capsules

You can find an overview of the topics published so far in the Sports Medicine section under Sports Medicine A-Z.