Chapped lips


Chapped lips can be caused by a variety of factors.

The appearance of cracked lips in various environmental influences, injuries and illnesses is due to the particular sensitivity of the skin on the lips, which is located at the transition between the facial skin and the oral mucosa.

The skin of the lips does not contain any sweat glands or sebum glands, so it lacks an important protective barrier, the so-called hydro-lipid film. This is responsible for the flexibility and protection against pathogens in the rest of the body's skin. In addition, the skin of the lips consists of only three to five layers of cells. In comparison, the skin of the face has up to 16 cell layers and is therefore much more stable than the delicate skin of the lips. These factors make the lips particularly susceptible to drying out and cracking. Due to the very high number of nerve endings in the lip, changes to the lip are often uncomfortable to painful.


The causes For chapped lips are very diverse as both Environmental influences as well as Diseases lead to the appearance of these complaints. Mostly it's environmental factors or one Combination of a previous damage of the Lips and one additional infection the already damaged lips leading to the appearance of cracked ones Lips to lead.

A purely infectious is conditional cracked lip skin comparatively seldom.
One of the environmental factors that affect the skin of the lips Heat, cold, sun exposure and nutrition.
To the possible diseasesthat lead to chapped lips count viral Infections such as the Herpes simplex virus and also Fungal infections.

Burning of the lips

Will the sensitive lip skin If exposed to the sun for too long, a sunburn and thus a Burn on the lipsThe lower lip in particular is at risk due to its mostly protruding position.
Since the skin of the lips incapable of producing melanin a short exposure to the sun is enough to irritate the lips. Melanin is one produced by the body itself dyewho to Browning of the skin and provides the body's own protection Sunlight damage represents.

A sunburn on the lips is first by one clear reddening marked. If there is further damage, the minor The protective barrier of the lip skin is destroyed and the Lips dry out. As a result, the Lips chapped and cracked quickly. Depending on the degree of the burn, the lips are painful.

Even with one combustion by too hot food or hot drinks can the skin so harmed that they will thereupon dries out and chapped lips arise. In both cases, a cooling an improvement in pain can be achieved. To support the chapped lips, which are impaired in their barrier function, in the healing process greasy creams without perfume and can be applied without any other additives.

Chapped lips with iron deficiency

At a Iron deficiency can in the red blood cells the hemoglobin, a Protein complexthat binds iron and that Oxygen transport in the body are not sufficiently loaded with iron. Because of this iron deficiency in hemoglobin, it can bind significantly less oxygen and distribute in the body. As a result, some tissues are poorly supplied with the oxygen that is important for metabolism. These tissues are limited in their function and thus have a poor regenerative ability.
The skin of the Lips subject to one constant cell renewalwhich requires a good supply of oxygen. Is this supply no longer given, cell renewal is significantly restricted and that already very thin lip skin thins out and gets cracked.
Will the Iron deficiency fixed, completely regenerates the skin of the lips. Until a adequate iron level if a deficiency is reached, it will pass away several weeks to a few months.

Chapped lips with vitamin B2 deficiency

Vitamin B2 is found in milk, bread and fruit.

Vitamin B2 is on in the body different metabolic processes involved.
This stands vitamin unsatisfactory available, chapped lips typically arise preferentially at the corners of the mouth, Inflammation of the lining of the mouth and inflammation on the rest of the skin. The cracked ones Lips can also as the only feature occur.
A vitamin B2 deficiency occurs in one balanced diet not on. However, join chronic bowel disease, at Vegans and also Alcoholics Deficiencies, as either the intake from food not enough or the Absorption in the intestine is not guaranteed.

Chapped lips in children

Especially children with a strong salivation or during the teething suffer from chapped and chapped lips, which can also become bloody.
Since this is very uncomfortable for the child, the lips should be cared for separately. For this purpose, care products that contain as much fat as possible are ideal, but should not contain any petroleum derivatives or flavorings. Petroleum derivatives should be avoided, as they are suspected of being carcinogenic, especially if they are ingested by mouth. The care should also be without aromatic substances, as they encourage the child to suck their lips, which means that the care cannot work and the saliva continues to dry out the lips.

If the lips remain permanently cracked, it must be clarified whether an infection in the mouth area is causing the permanently cracked lips. Signs of this can be a very reddened oral mucosa as well as deposits on the oral mucosa or tongue. If it is an infection, it must be treated with medication. By getting rid of the infection, the cracked skin on the lips will also improve.

Kawasaki syndrome

in the Toddler age can very reddened, chapped lips Sign of one Kawasaki Syndrome be.

This is always expressed with high fever around 40 ° C and will because of the trunk-accentuated rash often with Scarlet fever or measles mistaken. As long as the Rash has not yet occurred, these are high fever in combination with noticeably reddened and sometimes flaky, itchy lips and inflamed conjunctiva the first abnormalities. In the course there is also redness and Swelling both at the Palm as well as the Sole of the foot on. Also, kick often Swelling of the lymph nodes especially in the neck - and groin area.

Cracked Lips however, there are no arguments in favor of small children without the other symptoms mentioned Kawasaki Syndrome.


Around avoid chapped lips, there are some measures that can be easily implemented in everyday life.

The application of fatty creams ensures the suppleness of the Lips and prevents dehydration especially at very warm or cold weather. The application of Care products with sun protection factor protects the un-tanned lip skin UVA and UVB radiation of sunlight. It must at least a sun protection factor of 20 be applied to the Lips to protect adequately.It must also be cared for with a sun protection factor several times a day must be renewed because on the one hand the effect wears off after a while and on the other hand the care products on the lips while eating and drinking of the lip removed, which means that the product no longer provides adequate protection.

These preventive measures will only help to protect the lips in front harmful environmental influences. To protect against cracked Lips due to an infection there is only the possibility of Strengthening the immune system.


Chapped lips should be treated with oily creams.

The Therapy for chapped lips depends on the cause of the discomfort. In many cases one helps oil-based care cream, especially the Use of argan oil becomes cracked for care Lips recommended. But others too fatty products are possible.
Also one Mask with high-fat cream curd or honey can help. Quark also has a pain-relieving effect due to its cooling effect. From Lip balm sticks with additives and fragrances is however not advisedbecause they have the Lips also dry out and worsen the symptoms.

Lies the causes of the cracked Lips in a Deficiency symptoms due to iron deficiency or Vitamin B2 deficiency, are in mild cases Food changes possible. With a pronounced Iron deficiency has to be ferrous preparation be taken for several weeks, as a change in diet has no effect here. If the intake of iron tablets is insufficient or is poorly tolerated, it can also switched to infusions become.

At Infectious diseases is mostly one Taking medication required.

All forms of cracked Lips can be to treat well and heal with the adapted therapy.

Chapped lips during pregnancy

The during pregnancy The hormonal change taking place can result in a changed skin reflect and thus also the sensitive skin of the lips affect. This is a good one Care of the lips to be careful to avoid uncomfortable chapped lips.

During the pregnancy there is also a increased need for Vitamin B2, which plays a major role in the metabolism and therefore for the Co-care and development of the unborn child is needed. If this increased need is not met, the pregnant woman may experience one Deficiency symptom which then result in dry and cracked Lips expresses. Of the Vitamin B2 deficiency should be in the pregnancy absolutely balanced be to the adequate care of the child to ensure.