Diverticulitis pain - how to relieve it
In the Diverticulitis is it a Colon disease, mainly the last part of the colon, the so-called Sigmoids (Sigmoid colon). With this disease it comes to Intestinal mucosal protuberances (Diverticulum). In most cases, these protrusions do not affect all layers of the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall and should therefore correctly be called pseudodiverticula.
If there are many such protrusions, the clinical picture is initially called diverticulosis, which is ultimately referred to as diverticulitis due to the addition of inflammatory processes. This inflammation of the pouches in the intestinal wall can then lead to pain that is mostly localized on the left.
Causes of pain
The pain in diverticulitis is based on inflammatory processes within the intestinal wall protuberances (diverticula). During these inflammatory processes, many immune cells migrate into the inflamed diverticulum. There they release pain messenger substances (PGE2, bradykinin, cytokines, TNF), which ultimately lead to the patient's pain perception.
The inflammation usually occurs on the floor of thickened excrement stones within the diverticulum, which lead to insufficiently supplied pressure points (pressure necrosis) and ultimately to diverticulitis.
The long-term faeces in the diverticulum also provide a good breeding ground for unwelcome bacteria. These aggravate the local inflammatory response.
Learn more about the Causes of Diverticulitis.
Pain symptoms
Next fever, nausea, Loss of appetite, constipation (Constipation) and one Increase in white blood cells (Leukocytosis) as a sign of an inflammatory reaction occurring pain the most important symptoms in a Diverticulitis.
The Pain are mostly in left lower abdomen and are localized because of their character, the similar to appendicitis (appendicitis) appears as Left side appendicitis designated. However, in some patients it does Radiation of pain in the back.
The Pain can vary depending on the stage of diverticulitis.
For example, one chronic, recurrent (recurrent) diverticulitiswho have favourited pain after pain-free intervals mostly in left lower abdomen on.
The character of pain in the early stages of one acute, uncomplicated diverticulitis is rather dull, in later stages on the other hand it comes to Defense tension when touching the painful area, as well as too palpable indurations (Resistances). Furthermore, as the disease progresses, severe pain can be caused by the Breakthrough of a diverticulum (perforation) occur.
The inflammation spreads all over the place Abdominal cavity out (Peritonitis), the pain is no longer limited to a small area, but includes the whole abdomen and can to strongest vibration and touch pain to lead.
Ultimately, diverticulitis can be broken down into the symptom complex of a so-called "Acute adomens“Culminate, which in addition to the strongest abdominal pain by a General condition deterioration, Defense tension and shock symptoms and always represents a clinical emergency.
Back pain
In some cases, the pain, which is usually in the left lower abdomen, can become so severe that it radiates into the back and becomes one of the sufferers stooped posture to force.
What's the best way to relieve pain?
Pain can vary depending on the severity of the diverticulitis non-operative (conservative) or one operative therapy alleviate.
In conservative treatment, which is the only type of therapy used only for acute, uncomplicated diverticulitis, a Food leave from 2-3 days, as well as by the administration of suitable Antibiotics the inflamed section of the intestine is relieved. The pain should subside after some time due to the reduction in inflammation and the healing of the corresponding intestinal area.
Always recurrent (chronically recurrent) diverticulitis, as well as more complicated diverticulitis courses, which are often associated with stronger pain and a pronounced Inflammation symptoms (Fever, deterioration in general condition, fatigue etc.), surgery is the first choice of therapy to relieve pain and avoid complications. As a rule, depending on the severity, the affected section of the intestine is either covered by a large one Abdominal surgery (Laparatomy) or by a Laparoscopy (Laparoscopy) removed and the two remaining ends connected together.
Painful urination
Fistula formation can occur as a complication of diverticulitis. Under one fistula one understands one pathological connection between two hollow organs. In addition to the vagina and other organs, the fistula formation can also affect the urinary bladder, leading to a so-called Dysuria comes.
With dysuria, urination is painfully difficult and the Urinary stream decreased. Also step through the connection heaped Urinary tract infections which also cause pain when urinating. In the worst case, such a fistula formation can lead to a life-threatening peritonitis to lead.
However, pain when urinating during diagnosed diverticulitis does not necessarily indicate a fistula formation. The inflammation of the diverticula can spread to the urinary bladder even without the formation of a fistula due to the spatial proximity and thus lead to a urinary tract infection, which is also accompanied by painful urination.
Pain in diverticulitis despite taking antibiotics
If the pain of diverticulitis is still present despite the administration of an antibiotic, this may indicate that the antibiotic is his not yet fully effective because they haven't been given long enough. At the latest from the third day of use but it should be a clear one improvement the complaints come.
Another cause may be that not the right antibiotic was given. Diverticulitis can be caused by different bacteria, which have different mechanisms of survival. Some strains of bacteria have already developed resistance to certain antibiotics. If the pain is still present after three days of taking it, it may be necessary to switch to another antibiotic. In addition, the attending physician should check that there is no complication in the context of diverticulitis that explains the pain. It will come too after using several antibiotics there was no improvement of the complaints and if the inflammation is consequently still present, it usually becomes the affected section of intestine surgically removed.