Toothpaste without fluoride


Fluoride will be the toothpaste for decades added to prevent tooth decay.

Fluorides help to remineralize tooth enamel and thus protect against the development of tooth decay.

In the case of foods that contain a lot of sugar or an acidic environment in the oral cavity, the minerals may be released from the tooth enamel. The hard tooth substance becomes porous and the accumulation of bacteria causes tooth decay. The fluorides in toothpaste are also normally a natural component of tooth enamel and so can help to remineralize the tooth structure and protect it from acid.

What is fluoride?

Fluorine is an important trace element that Connections with other elements comes in. The salts of fluorine are the fluorides.

These are part of bones, tooth enamel and dentin, blood and gastric juice. Fluorides can remineralize tooth enamel.The tooth can be protected from porosity after a particularly acidic environment in the mouth, for example through a lot of sugary food.

This can be achieved with externally supplied fluorides, as they can supplement the natural fluorides and thus remineralize the tooth. Fluorides are found in toothpaste and table salt. Other natural sources of fluoride are Black tea, green tea, fish and asparagus. Fluorides are also given in the treatment of osteoporosis. The fluorides stimulate the osteoblasts (= the cells of the bones that build them up) and thus increase the bone mass.

Does fluoride make sense?

Is fluoride very important for the body. Toothpaste containing fluoride is necessary because it has been shown to reduce tooth decay in children and adolescents. Scientists and consumer advocates believe that fluoride makes sense.

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Fluorides support remineralization. It has been proven that fluorides help incorporate other components of tooth enamel more quickly. This leaves the Bacteria less time, the Weak points in the tooth to attack and the development of tooth decay is reduced.

The fluorides are also stored in the tooth enamel themselves. Furthermore, fluorides can penetrate directly into bacteria and thus disrupt their metabolism. In this way, the acid production that is dangerous for the tooth is inhibited.

You form as Calcium fluoride from the toothpaste or gels a kind of protective layer against acid attacks on the teeth.

Are fluorides naturally not sufficiently available in our body. Therefore they have to use Toothpaste, table salts or Fluoride tablets be taken. However, depending on age, only a certain amount per body weight is recommended.

Find out more at: Fluoridation of teeth

Is Fluoride Dangerous?

The dose of fluoride determines whether it is dangerous to the body or not. Fluoride would only be dangerous if you ingest too much of it. Before fluoride is toxic in the body, enormous amounts would have to be ingested.

Too much fluoride can lead to fluorosis in the body.

For children up to 6 years of age, the writes WHO (World Health Organization) a maximum value of 0.05-0.07 mg / kg body weight. Higher amounts can cause dental fluorosis in children, which often manifests itself in the form of white spots on the incisors. These often remain visible throughout life. However, they occur in almost every second child and can be produced with a little too much fluoride. But this is not dangerous for the body.

Conventional toothpastes have a fluoride content of 1450 ppm (parts per million) Adult and 500ppm at Children.

Which fluoride-free toothpastes are there?

There are many different suppliers of fluoride-free toothpastes. Especially the well-known manufacturers of natural cosmetics such as Weleda or Lavera offer a toothpaste without fluoride as an alternative to the usual toothpaste with fluoride. In each Drug store and everybody pharmacy toothpastes without fluoride are available. In addition to Lavera dental care and Weleda toothpaste, there are, for example, the following: Bioemsan toothpaste, Parodontax® Classic without fluoride, Apeiron herbal toothpaste, bio dent® from Terra Natura, Himalaya® toothpastes, Logodent toothpastes for kids and adults as well R.O.C.S.® for babies and children.

There are many other toothpastes that do not contain fluoride. The natural cosmetic toothpastes without fluoride contain few or no chemical additives. Furthermore, many different natural ingredients can often be selected. You can get advice on the choice of toothpaste in the pharmacy about the appropriate ingredients. You should inquire carefully when choosing a toothpaste without fluoride, because fluoride has a sleep-inducing effect in reducing caries.

When should I avoid using fluoride in toothpaste?

In Germany, drinking water is almost everywhere not (no longer) fluoridated. However, if you live in regions where the drinking water is still fluoridated, can do without fluoride in toothpaste.

In this case, the body already receives enough fluoride through the drinking water and food. In the USA, Australia, Chile and Brazil Fluoride is still artificially added to drinking water. Germany, Austria and the Switzerland have abolished this.

If there is fluoride in the drinking water, an alternative should be found for babies, because babies under six months of age should not consume fluorine.

If you use fluoridated table salt, there is fluorine in the drinking water and if you use fluoride-containing gels for your teeth at home, you could do without fluoride in the toothpaste. In general, however, the fluoride in toothpaste ensures better caries prophylaxis.

Avoiding fluoride in toothpaste is therefore only advisable if there is a sufficient daily intake of fluoride. Since the maximum values ​​for fluoride specified by the WHO (World Health Organization) are rarely reached, the use of toothpaste containing fluoride without hesitation is the rule.

Toothpaste without aluminum - why?

One is very often confronted with the light metal aluminum in everyday life. Aluminum is found in many Deodorants, Toothpastes or Foodthat are packed in aluminum. Scientists have shown that people with Alzheimer's had an increased concentration of aluminum in their brains. Furthermore, aluminum in our bodies has been linked to the development of breast cancer. This aluminum was enriched in the body through toothpaste, food or tablets. In deodorants, for example, the aluminum clogs the pores so that you sweat less.

However, it is strongly advised not to use products that contain aluminum. So it makes sense to use a toothpaste without aluminum. These are in all Drugstores available and do not differ from the toothpastes with fluoride. Sometimes, however, the toothpaste packaging contains the aluminum. The company for natural cosmetics with the name Weleda offers toothpastes with only natural ingredients. The company too Logana carries products without aluminum additives. The well-known company continues to provide elmex Toothpastes made without aluminum.

Which toothpaste without fluoride and without aluminum is there?

Those who want to do without additives such as fluoride and aluminum have above all from Natural cosmeticsManufacturers a wide range. There are different products from Logodent, Weleda, Lavera or Kingsfisher without aluminum and without fluoride. There is also a paste called Eco cosmetics Toothpaste offered. Additionally, there are a large number of toothpastes that are available without aluminum or fluoride.

Since fluoride has been shown to reduce the frequency of caries and protect the tooth from acid attack, you should consult your dentist before switching to a toothpaste without fluoride. Depending on the personal risk of tooth decay, the decision for a toothpaste without fluoride should be carefully considered.

Should a baby be using toothpaste with or without fluoride?

For babies and toddlers in particular, the prescribed amount of daily fluoride intake for their body weight is very important. If the teeth have not yet erupted and the teeth are forming in the jawbone, the fluoride from food can reach the tooth enamel via the bloodstream. Thus, the teeth can be strengthened from the beginning and are more resistant to acids.

Since the amount of fluoride supplied relates to body weight, only small amounts of fluoride are required for the baby.

There are special toothpastes intended for babies that do not exceed a total of 500ppm in most cases. The recommended daily amount for a baby or toddler corresponds to that of brushing teeth twice a day and the consumption of fluoride-containing table salt in food. In order to give the baby a good foundation for healthy teeth right from the start, the use of toothpaste containing fluoride is very important.

Also read: Brushing the baby's teeth

Should a child take a toothpaste with or without fluoride?

Fluorides cause tooth decay in children and adolescents proven lowered. Although tooth decay is not a disease caused by a lack of fluoride, fluorides can strengthen tooth enamel and protect against acid attack.

A child should therefore use a toothpaste with fluoride. There are different options for fluoride intake in children. In addition to table salt and gels, the use of special children's toothpaste is very useful. This has a lower fluoride content than the toothpaste for adults.

One reason for this is that children swallow the toothpaste quickly when they brush their teeth every day and fluorosis, i.e. excessive fluoride intake, can be prevented. Scientists have proven that fluoride can have an optimal effect directly (locally), especially when applied directly to the tooth enamel, i.e. through the use of toothpaste containing fluoride. For this reason, toothpastes and fluoride gels containing fluoride are very useful, as they are in direct contact with their ultimate place of action.