
German term

lily of the valley

Use of convallaria for the following diseases in homeopathy

  • Heart failure with water retention in the tissue
  • Chest tightness and pain with narrowed coronary arteries
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Heart problems after infections

Use of convallaria for the following symptoms / complaints

  • sleepless and restless at night, therefore exhausted and sleepy during the day
  • Pulse small, soft, irregular, intermittent
  • Feeling as if that heart stops beating and then suddenly starts again
  • Shortness of breath
  • Water retention on the ankles
  • Water in the lung having difficulty breathing when lying down
  • At first the heartbeat is slowed down, Blood pressure increased
  • Later, the heart rate tends to be fast, with an irregular pulse and low blood pressure

Active organs

  • Heart and cardiac conduction system
  • Cycle

Usual dosage


  • Tablets Convallaria D2, D3
  • Drops Convallaria 6X, H40
  • Ampoules Convallaria D3