Homeopathy for hair loss after childbirth
Homeopathic medicines
As homeopathic medicines the following are possible:
- Calcium carbonicum (oyster shell lime)
- Sepia (squid)
- Sodium muriaticum (table salt)
Calcium carbonicum (oyster shell lime)
- Slow women with a tendency to obesity
- Light, pasty skin
- Itchy scalp
- Sweaty head in sleep
- Cold, sweaty feet
- Cold is badly tolerated.
Typical dosage of Calcium carbonicum (oyster shell lime) with hair loss: Tablets D12
Further information is also available at: Calcium carbonicum
Important NOTE
If the symptoms are severe and persistent, there is one homeopathic self-treatment is not indicated. Caution especially with children and older, debilitated people. Danger of dehydration!
Lycopodium (Bärlapp)
- Women with yellowish, pale skin and dark circles under the eyes
- Sagging sensation of the uterus
- Profuse, bad smelling sweat
- Weepy and depressed, exhausted, indifferent
- Easily offended and offended
Typical dosage of Lycopodium (Bärlapp) with hair loss: Tablets D6
Further information is also available at: Lycopodium (Bärlapp)
Phosphorus (yellow phosphorus)
Prescription up to and including D3!
- Exhausted and very tired after an illness
- Hair loss in clusters, also occurring in spots
- Patients with fine hair who appear prematurely aged
- Fear, anxiety, depressions
- Phosphorus applies in the homeopathy also called the "grief remedy".
Typical dosage of Phosphorus (yellow phosphorus) with hair loss: Drop D12
Further information is also available at: Colocynthis Phosphorus
Silicea (silica)
- Hair loss in younger people after exhausting illnesses
- The patients are very sensitive to the cold
- cold sweat on the head and feet but dry on the body
- The head freezes quickly, but can only tolerate very soft headgear
- skin tends to suppurate
- Nails are often pitted or misshapen
Typical dosage of Silicea (silica) with hair loss: Tablets D6
Further information is also available at: Silicea (silica)