
German term

Sponge cucumber

Use of loofah for the following diseases in homeopathy

  • Much a headache (Forehead headache)
  • easy fatigue and indifference in acute, purulent or allergic catarrhs ​​of the nose
  • Inclination to Fluent but also stick runny nose
  • Inclination to Inflammation of the gums

Use of loofah for the following symptoms / complaints

  • On the other hand, dry ones Irritation of the nose
  • Dry Oral mucosa
  • Feeling of fullness in stomach
  • Gastrointestinal cramps
  • bright chairs
  • Diffuse, rheumatic complaints in Muscles and Joints

Active organs

  • Mucous membrane of the nose
  • Mucous membrane of the throat
  • Mucous membrane of the sinuses
  • Mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract

Usual dosage


  • Drops (tablets) Luffa D3, D4, D6, D12
  • Luffa ampoules D4, D6, D12 and higher.