Lymph gland swelling - dangerous or harmless?


The lymph glands, too Lymph nodes called, they are Filter stations of the lymphatic system in the human body.

The lymph fluid to be transported is created outside the body cells as a filtrate of the blood and transports nutrients, salts and also potential pathogens.

Interposed with the lymphatic system are the lymph nodes, which can activate the immune system and also eat pathogens such as bacteria or cells infected by viruses and thus render them harmless.

Lymph gland swelling, in general, can be either under a local inflammation or because of a threatening systemic disease occur.

If an inflammation takes place in a part of the body, the lymph nodes filter the resulting lymph fluid and swell due to the confrontation with the pathogens or particles that have entered.

In general, you can tell if a lymph node acutely painful enlarged is and additional references to a local or in the body occurring infection present that it is usually a benign process.

The lymph gland swelling occurs creeping and without pain and if there is no connection to an infection, it should be sent to a threatening illness be thought.

Causes of Lymph Node Swelling

The lymph gland swellings are roughly divided into, depending on their cause benign and malicious a.

Benign causes are alongside local inflammation also Infections that affect the entire body. For example, if you suffer from tonsillitis, you can clearly feel the swollen and painful lymph nodes in the neck area. Here, the two criteria are met that indicate a benign event, on the one hand the painful enlargement and on the other hand the locally occurring inflammation. This is a normal and important function of our body in the defense against pathogens.

If cells in the body degenerate, they can also move via the lymphatic system. So not infrequently occur in the context of Cancers also Lymph node involvement on. These can either arise from the lymph node and are called one Lymphoma, or tumor cells have migrated from the actual cancer area via the lymphatic system into the lymph nodes, then one speaks of so-called Lymph node metastases.

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Diagnosis of lymph node swelling

The doctor diagnoses swelling of the lymph glands at the physical exam, by scanning the relevant regions.

Furthermore, the anamnese one of the most important means of diagnosis. The duration of the swelling, pain and possible accompanying symptoms such as fever, skin changes or injuries in the lymph stream area are asked.

Furthermore are the knowledge about Underlying diseases, one regular medication use, the Travel and vaccination history, Sexual and drug history as well as the Contact with animals important diagnostic landmarks to determine the cause of the lymph gland swelling.

Lymph nodes in the area of ​​influence of the internal organs can also pass through imaging procedures can be made visible, for example on an X-ray or in computed tomography.

Also one Ultrasound examination can help to differentiate the respective cause. If the above measures cannot be used to determine with certainty whether the cause of the lymph gland swelling is benign or malignant, suspicious lymph nodes can be surgically removed and examined histologically under a microscope.

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Accompanying symptoms with swelling of the lymph glands

Depending on the origin of the lymph gland swelling, various accompanying symptoms can occur. Depending on their cause, these can be very diverse.

Pain can always accompany the swelling, on the one hand in the area of ​​the primary inflammation and on the other hand in direct relation to the swollen lymph nodes.

If the infection is major, a fever can also occur. Skin changes such as reddening or swelling are signs of local inflammation in addition to pain, overheating and functional impairment.

If a lymph gland swelling occurs in the context of tonsillitis, it can be accompanied by a painful swallowing process.

In particularly brilliant courses, breathing can also be restricted. In the context of cancer, such as lymph gland cancer, night sweats, multiple changes of bed linen or night clothes, inexplicable fever above 38 ° C and a weight loss of more than 10 percent of the initial weight within six months can occur. These three are known as so-called B symptoms and can also appear individually.

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Therapy for swelling of the lymph glands

Treating lymph gland swelling always means that Treatment of the underlying condition, since this is mostly just a symptom and not a disease.

So it should first be thoroughly checked root cause to be sought. It is important that a doctor should definitely be consulted if anything is unclear.

Ambiguities are next to one painless swelling also one over one long-term swelling whose cause cannot be fathomed at first.

Is it a local inflammation due to an injury, this should be cleaned accordingly and protected against the further entry of further pathogens.

Is it a generalized infection it may be necessary to use medication, also systemically. If bacteria are the cause of the infection, depending on the severity, one will be given Antibiotic, to support the body, makes sense.

With one of the underlying lymph gland swelling Cancer becomes one depending on the progress of the disease systemic therapy in form of a Radiation and chemotherapy required.

In general, after successful treatment of the causative disease, the size of the affected lymph glands should be reduced. The removal of individual lymph nodes for diagnostic confirmation makes sense, but generally makes little sense in a therapeutic context.

Duration of a swelling of the lymph glands

The general duration of a lymph gland swelling is usually directly to the duration of the underlying cause connected. If, for example, the primary infection has been treated and regressed, then should the Swelling will subside.

From a diagnostic point of view it can be said that slowly and over a longer period of time (over several weeks) swollen, non-painful lymph nodes are more likely to be more serious illness are to be assigned. The swelling occurs acute on, i.e. within a few days, is more likely to be of one benign occurrences to go out.

The swelling of the lymph glands should decrease after treatment of the underlying disease.

Lymphatic swelling in different parts of the body

Swelling of the lymph glands in the groin

The lymph glands of the groin region can be anatomically divided into a vertical and one horizontal group subdivide. They run in the vicinity of the large vessels and filter the lymph from the legs, abdominal wall, back and part of the external genital region.

The vertical groups of lymph nodes are located on the inner side of the thigh and drain the Lymph fluid of the legs. They swell, for example, with superficial local infections.

The horizontal group of lymph nodes is palpable below the inguinal ligament, which extends from the upper part of the hip bone towards the groin pulls. This group of lymph nodes drains the Lymph fluid of the abdominal wall, back and parts of the external genitals.Swelling can be due to some STDs which are transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse.

Examples here are infections caused by pathogens such as chlamydia, herpes viruses, and pathogens of the soft and hard chancre. Lymph node swellings in the groin in general are very palpable, and checking them is part of the doctor's standardized physical examination.

Lymph gland swelling in the ear

The lymph glands in the region of the ears can be divided into two groups.

One group lies in front of the auricle (pre-auricular group) and drains the lymph fluid from the parotid gland, nose and eyelids. Swelling in this group can have various causes. On the one hand, local infections of the catchment region such as an inflamed sebum gland and its hair follicles can be the reason, on the other hand, shingles or conjunctivitis can cause the swelling.

The other group of lymph glands in close proximity to the ear is the one behind the auricle (retroauricular group). Swelling of the lymph nodes in this region can occur, for example, with rubella infection. This is due to the rubella virus, the infection of which can be prevented by vaccination.

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Lymph gland swelling in the neck

The groups become the lymph glands of the neck regions in front of and behind the auricle, ubelow the lower jaw and chin, in the area of Neck and back of the head, of the upper shoulder as well as the groups above the collarbones counted.

The swelling in these groups can have various causes. Starting with local infections, for example due to Inflammation of the sebum in any area.

Swelling in the area of ​​the jaw angle can occur in a Almond infection occur.

Also Tumors of the head and neck are causes of lymph gland swelling in the areas mentioned above.

Tumors in the mouth region can lead to swelling of the lymph glands in the area of ​​the angle of the jaw, below the chin and the area in between. In the case of swelling of the lymph glands above the collarbone, cancer of the bronchi, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract should always be considered.

Lymph gland swelling in the armpit

The armpit lymph glands can be found in several groups organize. There will be a central group, one front lying on the chest, one lying behind the axillary folde group and a group below the collarbone distinguished.

They drain the lymphatic fluid from the armpit, chest and chest wall and most of the arm. The group lying under the collarbone then drains all of the above groups before the lymph flows into the venous angle of the large vessels. Swelling of the lymph glands in these areas is due, on the one hand, to local infections.

On the one hand, these can be infected wounds, on the other hand Inflammation of the sebum glands and the associated hair follicles. Also Cancers as the Breast cancer (Breast cancer) are possible causes of swelling in this area. Examination of the axillary lymph glands is a standard part of the doctor's physical examination if the above causes are suspected.

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