Low blood pressure during pregnancy


Low blood pressure during pregnancy is when the blood pressure is below 100/60 mmHg. Blood pressure values ​​that are below this are referred to in medical terminology as hypotension.

As part of the natural adaptation mechanisms during pregnancy, blood pressure in most cases falls rather than increases. Therefore, low blood pressure in pregnancy is generally not considered a disease.

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  • What to do if you have poor circulation?
  • Pregnancy complications

From what values ​​does one have low blood pressure during pregnancy?

To low blood pressure is also known as Hypotension designated. Apply to pregnancy the same limitsthat too outside of pregnancy be used. From a blood pressure value below 100/60 mmHg if the blood pressure is too low. This value means however still Notthat medical need for action It also exists no strict limitfrom which one would have to start therapy.

Rather, it's about that Wellbeing of the pregnant woman and the unborn child. As long as no symptoms and complaints exist no acute need for action. Unlike the high blood pressure (Hypertension) during pregnancy, requires blood pressure that is too low no close inspection. It is possible that a woman with a severely lowered blood pressure value does not suffer from any symptoms, while a woman with only slightly lowered blood pressure values ​​already has a reduced level of well-being. The low blood pressure values ​​should therefore not follow any strict categorization, but always in pregnant women viewed individually become.

Which blood pressure values ​​are normal?

Which values ​​are dangerous for my baby?

It exists no uniform limit valuesfrom which one could speak of a danger to the unborn child. The Blood pressure adjustment follows a natural adjustment mechanism in pregnancy and is therefore primary not as morbid to evaluate, different than that Hypertension of pregnancy.

Nevertheless, one occurs regular controll the values ​​in the context of the preventive examinations. It becomes dangerous for the child when the mother is under severe circulatory problems suffers. Fainting and a Circulatory collapse low blood pressure will increase the Risk of falling the mother and thus that Risk of injury to the unborn child.

However, it is not possible to predict from which blood pressure value such symptoms will occur. This is from Different from person to person. While some women with severely reduced values ​​feel no complaints, others with slightly reduced values ​​are all the worse. Some sources also acknowledge persistent hypotension risk for a so-called Placental insufficiency. However, this assumption can be made not substantiated by scientific facts. Rather, it is high blood pressure a Risk factor for one insufficient blood flow to the uterus and the placenta, even if it sounds like a contradiction in terms.

When do I have to see a doctor?

In principle, the doctor should be consulted if symptoms arise. If headaches or general weakness occur again and again, it is advisable to visit the attending gynecologist and describe the symptoms. Furthermore, in the event of severe circulatory problems, such as circulatory collapse, loss of consciousness or falls, you should not hesitate to visit the treating gynecologist or - if the practice is closed - the clinic immediately.

In this case, in addition to low blood pressure, diseases of the heart or a cardiac arrhythmia must also be ruled out. Recurring dizziness is also an occasion to consult the gynecologist. Although it does not pose an immediate danger to the unborn child, maternal stress and complaints should be reduced.

Read more about this at: Dizziness during pregnancy and vertigo during pregnancy

What can I do to increase low blood pressure?

Is low blood pressure mostly symptom-free, nevertheless there is also some pregnant womenthat as a result suffer from discomfort. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do yourself to get your blood pressure - and blood circulation - back going.

See a few in the following section helpful tipsthat help you find your Blood pressure in pregnancy too normalize:

1. Drink a lot and don't forget the salt! ? Look out for one adequate hydration, preferably in the form of water. Recommended are approx 2 liters daily. This helps keep your blood pressure stable. In addition, make sure that not too low in salt to eat. That doesn't mean that you have to add salt to every soup from now on, but you can add salt if you like it.

2. Alternating showers: Take turns showering warm and then cold from. End it up with a cold shower. That gets the cycle going.

3. High protein breakfast: This may sound unusual, but a protein-rich breakfast can help you get your circulatory problems under control.

4. Move! : Exercise is good for you - even during pregnancy. You do not have to exert yourself in sports. Already relaxed walks can help normalize blood pressure. Especially with slight circulatory problems walking helps counter the discomfort. However, if you go black, you need to lie down and put your feet up. After a few minutes you will feel better.

What to do if you have poor circulation?


It exists neither scientific evidence nor uniform recommendations for the effect homeopathic remedies.

Especially during pregnancy you should be careful do without drugs or homeopathic remedies - no matter if freely available - without prior consultation with the attending gynecologist to take.

Homeopathic remedies are not tested uniformly and Empirical values during pregnancy absence very easily. Many of the liquid homeopathic remedies contain alcohol and are thus strictly prohibited during pregnancy. Therefore, no recommendations can be made at this point. The same applies to "Herbal" active ingredients. These supposedly natural remedies can also be contraindicated during pregnancy. Therefore, even over-the-counter medication should not be taken without consultation.

  • Alcohol during pregnancy
  • Homeopathy for low blood pressure

What medication can I take against it?

No medication should be taken during pregnancy without a doctor's agreement, as the pregnancy is often contraindicated. In the case of low blood pressure, drug therapy is only very rarely necessary anyway. The problem can often be dealt with with non-drug measures. If medication is necessary, the gynecologist will prescribe it with a suitable dosage schedule.

One of these drugs is etilefrine. However, this drug must not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy as it is contraindicated during this period. Even after that, it should only be used if the attending physician approves it. Usually, etilefrine is given in the form of drops. The average dose for adults is around 32-48 drops 2-3 times a day.

The administration of the drug dihydroergotamine is now controversial. This drug should also not be administered in the first trimester of pregnancy. After that, the application is also controversial. In the case of orthostatic hypotension, dihydroergotamine should no longer be prescribed, unlike in the past. There are only rare cases in which the drug is used.

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When will I be on sick leave or will I be banned from working?

It exists no limit the blood pressure from which a woman has a Employment ban or one Certificate of disability receives. However, there is a possibility of one Sick leave - even in the long term - if the attending physician is the mother or the unborn child regarded as endangered through work.

Reasons for such a sick leave are severe circulatory problems, repeated falls the mother or severe dizziness. This is also depending on the job and the activity mother. However, this question must clarified individually with the attending gynecologist will and can do not give a blanket answer. Basically, however, a lowered blood pressure represents no reason to be banned from employment because it usually does not threaten pregnancy or the mother.

Can low blood pressure be a sign of pregnancy?

A low blood pressure is not a classic sign for pregnancy. First during pregnancy adaptive mechanisms of the maternal circulation arise that the Let your blood pressure drop. However, that is in the Early pregnancy is not yet the caseso that pregnancy cannot be detected by low blood pressure. Different to Pregnancy sickness or a Tension in the breasts low blood pressure is not a typical sign of pregnancy.

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