Lasers of the lady's beard


A permanent removal of a woman's beard can be achieved with lasers.

Affected women often find the development of a woman's beard to be very unpleasant, annoying or even disfiguring. The female beard usually only appears in the area above the upper lip, but it can also develop on the chin or cheeks. To remove the annoying hair on the face, many women shave, but in the long run this is very time-consuming and does not always give a satisfactory result.

A new effective method is to have the ladies' beard lasered. After a few sessions, you can already see visible success and the suffering of women is also reduced.

The IPL technology represents a cheaper variant of laser treatment and also enables permanent hair removal - based on light. Read more about this at: Permanent Hair Removal With IPL - What To Look For!


A woman's beard can vary in strength and grow in different places on the face. The area above and to the side of the upper lip is typical. The chin, cheeks, and sideburns can also be affected. The color and hair structure of a woman's beard depend on the skin and hair type. The density of the whiskers is also very different. In some cases, the development of the women's beard goes with the rise from male sex hormones so that further symptoms occur as part of this, such as the Voice deepening, the Missing your period, Baldness of the main hair and more Hair growth in the chest area. A woman's beard can, however, simply appear more frequently depending on the ethnic group. Except for the hair growth on the face, there are no other symptoms, such as pain or the like. However, it should be noted that affected women are sometimes under a high level of suffering, as they feel disfigured by the lady's beard. Having a woman's beard lasered usually relieves those affected from suffering.

root cause

A woman's beard can develop for various reasons. In some women, hair is a result of predisposition. Hair on the face is also more common, depending on ethnicity. Another cause of a lady's beard can be the so-called "Hirsutism" describing the effects of male hormones on women. It is often not known why the hormones are elevated in some women. In some cases, the cause may be a hormone-producing tumor of the adrenal gland or the Ovary be. Also in the course of other clinical pictures, such as Cushing's syndrome or the Hypogonadism syndrome, it can lead to increased production of androgens. If the beard develops in older women, the reason may be the reduced availability of estrogens, which can shift the balance between female and male hormones towards testosterone.


In addition to the temporary removal by shaving, depilatory cream or waxing the affected area, there is now a very promising method of removing beard: laser epilation. The hair root is heated so much by the laser light that is used that, ideally, irreversible sclerosing occurs. This prevents further hair production. The laser that is used here is mostly high-energy and in the infrared range, so that it can act up to half a centimeter into the skin. Under certain circumstances, the treated woman feels a short poke while laser is being used, otherwise the laser is considered relatively painless.

In order to achieve a good result when lasering a lady’s beard, it is an advantage if the hair color is as dark as possible, since the hair then has a high melanin content and can be caught by the laser. In addition, several laser sessions are necessary on the one hand, and on the other hand, there should ideally be a certain period of time between the laser applications, so that, due to the different hair cycles, as many hair roots as possible can be destroyed. We recommend at least six to eight sessions with an interval of four to six weeks.

It is also advisable to shave the affected area about 24 hours before laser treatment. As a rule, the number of laser applications is sufficient to noticeably reduce the woman's beard. In individual cases, however, it may be that new or regenerated hair roots produce hair again, so that it has to be lasered again afterwards. In normal cases, the ladies' beard laser is well tolerated, only in exceptional cases does hypersensitivity or allergic reaction occur, which, however, subside again.

The IPL technology represents a cheaper variant of laser treatment and also enables permanent hair removal - based on light. Read more about this at: Permanent Hair Removal With IPL - What To Look For!

There is also another way to deal with the problem of women's beard and that is bleaching. Read more on the topic: Bleaching of the lady's beard.

In the context of wound healing disorders, scars can develop, which represent a major aesthetic problem for those affected. Laser therapy is non-invasive and a popular way to treat such scars. Read more about this under: Laser scars


The diagnosis of a lady's beard is one Eye diagnosis. If a hormonal cause is suspected, this can be followed up by a blood test with an eye on the hormone levels. In the special case one would also be able to reinforce the suspicion on the basis of the symptoms mentioned above.


Since laser therapy hasn't been done that long, you still have no long-term valueswhich could quantify the prognosis of the laser. In most cases, however, you can achieve good success after properly performed lasers, with a significant reduction in the female beard. It can be used for additional application of the laser can come afterwards, as new hair can form and the dead hair roots sometimes recover. Nevertheless, in the long term, laser offers a more effective alternative with little risk of side effects to shaving or hair waxing.


Before the laser treatment one should prophylactically two weeks long do not remove hair. You should also avoid sunburn, especially in summer. Also, you should be on a sufficient level Water balance ensure that the skin is not too dry during treatment. In order to get rid of the lady's beard in the long term, if hair grows back, consider laser treatment again. Otherwise, if the above number of laser applications and the distances between them are adhered to, no follow-up treatments should be necessary.

Frequency of laser treatment

It is recommended to have the women's beard lasered several times and at certain intervals. The reason for this is that the hair has a certain growth cycle and therefore during one session not all can be caught. If a hair root has been successfully destroyed by the laser, new hair will usually no longer form here. As a result, the number of hairs decreases from session to session. The newly grown hair, or hair that has grown back despite treatment, can be caught in this way. We recommend at least six to eight Laser sessions. The distance between laser treatments should be first on a woman's beard four weeks, later then six weeks be.

If you keep to the number and the intervals of the laser therapies, a good result can be achieved. However, it should be noted that every woman has a different hair type and the result of the treatment can vary accordingly. For some, a clear improvement in the women's beard can be seen earlier. Even after a completed laser treatment, a kind of relapse can occur, which means that hair can occasionally grow back. This can either be explained by a changed hormonal level, or simply by the fact that the body has formed new hair roots through its regeneration mechanism. You can then start a new laser treatment cycle, which can then be individually adapted. Since the laser does not involve any particular risks, after the first treatment cycle has been well tolerated, i.e. without any development of intolerance, another cycle can be started without hesitation.